What to learn first from Bobo?

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What to learn first from Bobo?

Postby Caligari » Jun 8th, '07, 19:57

Thanks to a false start around 18 months ago that had nothing to do with magic and everything to do with finding a new job, I'm a beginner and have a copy of Bobo's excellent book Modern Coin Magic.

I've been practising some of the sleights and studying a few of the tricks, but as Bobo is so comprehensive, I was wondering which of the basics (from Chapters I, II and III - Coin Concealments, Basic Technique and Coin Vanishes) people would recommend to start with so that I can narrow my focus and improve more selectively.

Thanks in advance.

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Postby Michael Kras » Jun 8th, '07, 20:00

Work on Sleeving and Palming Techniques. All of the vanishes as well.

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Postby dat8962 » Jun 8th, '07, 20:40

There was a resource for Bobo readers that gave the suggested order in which to read and then practice from the book. It was on this link but for some reason it's not working for me.


I'm hoping that it's a temporary glitch and that the site hasn't been closed.

You need a copy of the book in order to log onto the site past the welcome screen and the password changes every time you log on. A great idea.

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Postby Michael Jay » Jun 9th, '07, 00:01

Click here. In fact, I suggest going back and reading the entire thread.

Click here for a Bobo study guide.


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Postby magicofthemind » Jun 9th, '07, 10:51

I've always had good reactions to two very simple effects - "Gone" and "Two Pennies on Leg".


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Postby Caligari » Jun 10th, '07, 16:58

Thanks very much for these reponses. It's thrown up some very interesting things.

dat8962, I've got that link to the Bobo Community Project and it isn't working for me either. I wonder if anyone out there knows what's happened to it.

Michael Jay, the thread is useful and I think the Bobo study guide will be very helpful indeed.

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Postby Adam Boyes » Jun 11th, '07, 12:54

Caligari, you've probably seen the thread I started?!

The Bobo guide link is well worth using...I've been using it for two weeks now and I'm glad it exists otherwise I would have been in a right old mess. I'd be interested to know how you are finding it?

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Postby Lady of Mystery » Jun 11th, '07, 14:03

The Bobo Community Project sounds like a great site, I've never come across that before. But it's not working for me either :(

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Postby Adam Boyes » Jun 11th, '07, 14:33

Lady of Mystery: You just got me thinking, that link which sadly doesn't work got me thinking?

There's this one which does http://www.austinmagic.org/sam/studygui ... guide.html

But couldn't some members on here create a sticky called "The Bobo Community Project" and create our own instead?

That's if people have got the time etc...I wouldn't be much use as I'm only just beginning myself. Just a thought.

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Postby Michael Jay » Jun 11th, '07, 15:13

I'd be willing to throw in for such a thing.


Michael Jay

Postby Adam Boyes » Jun 11th, '07, 15:53

Michael: Great!! You're advise/contribution would be brilliant!! One look at the thread I started backs that up 100%

I assume this gets asked a lot by the sounds of things so I think it would be a good idea.

Would I need to contact a mod and ask about a sticky? What's the correct proceedure?

Is it allowed in the non-secrets area? :?

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Postby Caligari » Jun 12th, '07, 14:31

I'd second, third, or whatever number it is for the idea of a sticky Bobo thread.

It could include tips on some of the sleights and tricks, addresses of good resources such as the Bobo Study Guide that Michael Jay posted above, ideas for complementary routines, etc.

In the Getting Started in Magic - a disorganised guide! thread started by Farlsborough (see here http://www.talkmagic.co.uk/ftopic11561.php as its a very good thread for those who ain't seen it) he just says that he hopes the mods will make his thread "sticky". It worked. Perhaps we should try that and just do our best to keep it going so they'll feel it's warranted. What do we think?

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Postby Adam Boyes » Jun 12th, '07, 20:38

Yeah I'm all for it mate! I think it'll be useful, esp for beginners.

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Postby Michael Jay » Jun 15th, '07, 15:27


Last edited by Michael Jay on Sep 25th, '10, 17:51, edited 3 times in total.
Michael Jay

Postby Adam Boyes » Jun 15th, '07, 17:27

Mike just spotted your reply!

I'll take a good look later, just about to leave work for home!


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