Completely Impossible - Jay Sankey

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Completely Impossible - Jay Sankey

Postby The4thCircle » Jul 21st, '12, 12:55

Recently, as an experiment, I decided to buy a few instant download tricks from Jay Sankey's website. This is one of them.

The Effect

Performer uses two cards, one folded lengthways, one folded ummm shortways I guess. The shortways one is put around the lengthways one in a display similar to a tiny cardboard Sawing a Person in Half setup. This is then ripped in two and when the two halves are brought back together. The lengthways card is completely unharmed, even though the other is clearly bisected.
The effect is similar to Ripped and Fried from the Paul Harris True Astonishment set and I'd be lying if I attempted to deny that I bought this in the hope it would essentially be that. This effect is less cleanly displayed at the point of tearing although a casual lay audience wouldn't know that. I didn't notice it in the demo either so it can't be all that bad.

Five US dollars.

(1=easy to do, 2=No sleights, but not so easy, 3=Some sleights used,
4=Advanced sleights used, 5=Suitable for experienced magicians only)

1-2 he teaches one move that isn't really a sleight but still requires a little dissimulation (I've been reading my Fitzkees) to pull off convincingly.


The teaching here goes into a lot of detail, some might say too much but his warnings about the trivial parts of the handling are actually 90% of why this effect works at all. I can't explain that in more detail without tipping the method but needless to say in any routine, if you need to do some secret action at one point, doing the exact same action openly earlier in the trick will clue the audience in.


This is a nice little trick, a little simplistic some might say but if you're looking for a near zero skill TnR with lots of room to wrap a premise or theme around it other than "I am tearing a card... Now I am restoring a card" this effect gives a lot of room for presentation.



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