Babel Booktest - Vincent Hedan

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Babel Booktest - Vincent Hedan

Postby Thoughtstealer » Aug 22nd, '15, 16:45

I just purchased this a while back after seeing it on Vincents Penguin lectire. I am a fan of booktests and have many. So how does this one compare ? Firstly I would advise getting it direct from Vincent, its much cheaper, 90 Euros and that includes shipping. I live in Mallorca where I work as a full time mentalist, I have been here for 32 years and must say that Vincents service is very good. I am used to waiting weeks for things to arrive and this was on my doorstep in onl 4 days from ordering.
The thing I like most is that you have so many options with this booktest. There are just so many things you can reveal. You can do the usual first word on the page and it has the flashback principle built in. If you want to you can ask the spectator to read the first few words on the page, from this you can tell what page number they are looking at, how many paragraphs are on the page, and how many lines of text there are in each paragraph. There's more, they can open the book anywhere and just look at any interesting word, you not only reveal the word but also on which line of text it is on.
You can reveal the jist of the paragraph they are reading and much more.
On a difficulty scale of 1 to 10 I would say that if you are used to using booktest and memorey work its a 4, if you have never gdone a booktest or any memory work then its even easier, you can just print out a cheat sheet and hide it on a prop or table etc.
So to summarise I would say his service is very good, the product does what it claims and more, its good value for the price, and I now use it in every show I do. Hopefully this will help anyone on the fence about this one.

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