Coinflux 2

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Coinflux 2

Postby The Big Q » Oct 14th, '05, 08:35

Coinflux 2 - JB Magic

The Effect
An update of the old coin matrix - a number of coins are placed down, a card covers each, the coins move, one by one all under the same card. Here is the company blurb.

All NEW Principle for the Classic Matrix Effect! NO Moves required with special gimmicks!
3 Quarters and 3 Bicycle cards are clearly set on your table.Coins jump from pile to pile and finally all together in a single pile!With NO MOVES three coins assemble under one card. There are absolutely NO Moves or sleight of hand with this killer effect!
You can now perform previously impossible mpossible matrix moves without sleight of hand!
Perform a Coin Flux on a table, NO soft close up pad is needed.
SUPER Gimmick Coin Value!
Has fooled world's leading magicians!
NO Extra Coins or Shells!
Revolutionary Matrix!.

I looked up a price in the UK (I bought mine in Australia) It said 26 pounds (sorry - no pound symbol on my keyboard!). Which is MUCH more than I paid ($20 - about 8 pounds)

(1=easy to do, 2=No sleights, but not so easy, 3=Some sleights used,
4=Advanced sleights used, 5=Suitable for experienced magicians only)
1 dead simple.

I'm a bit conflicted. A lot of work has gone into this effect so it can be achieved without the normal sleights - which, frankly, aren't all that hard. I already perform a four coin matrix routine. I saw the demo as was blown away, there were absolutely no sleights going on there, so I thought I might be able to incorporate some of the ideas. I guessed fairly correctly how it was done (watch the demo, you might too) and upon receiving the trick was quite impressed how simple it was. But - and it's a big but, when not seen on a slightly pixilated downloaded demo, I don't think that one of the gimmicks will fool anyone. I haven't been game to try yet! Also, although they are normal coins they are completely unexaminable (although the cards are). I have thought of a few ways of improving the 'dodgey' gimmick, but there is no way of get around the coins short of substitution.

This is a well made and thought out trick, there is an English or American currency version, and you can not fault the quality, but the effect isn't so much of an improvement over the standard coin matrix to give up borrowing the coins, or having everything examined. Plus, as I've said, one of the gimmicked effects is decidedly iffy. And for the price (particularly the price over there!!) you could buy yourself a good coin DVD instead and practice the real thing. This is strickly for amateurs who refuse to palm a coin.

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The Big Q
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Postby finneyfollower » Jan 15th, '10, 05:39

Could it be "IFFY" because you know about it?
IMHO, the spectator will not see what you do not want them to see UNLESS you allow it.

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