Magic Club in Oxford

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Magic Club in Oxford

Postby Johnny Wizz » Mar 10th, '13, 10:50

There is currently no magic club operating in the Oxford area and I am interested in starting one. Are there any Talk Magic members out there in this area who would be interested in this project. I would like to organise a monthly meeting with a view toi getting some lectures and competitions organised. Answer here or PM me if interested.

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Re: Magic Club in Oxford

Postby Dan Q » Mar 7th, '14, 12:01

Just discovered this thread?
To find out where/when the Oxford Magic Club is next meeting, click through to the final page in this thread and work backwards. Latest planned meetings tend to appear in larger font (like this) so that you can spot them easily. We're newcomer-friendly and very informal: drop a message into the thread to let us know you're coming, and then we'll hope to see you there!

Hi Johnny,

I tried to reply to this topic a few weeks ago, when I first signed up my TM account, but I think it got eaten by the spamfilter (it seems to be pretty aggressive with posts from new members: probably as to be, with all of the spam that's around these days). Anyway: if you're still interested, I'd be happy to help: and I'm sure we can't be the only two magicians in Oxford. Can we?

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Re: Magic Club in Oxford

Postby daleshrimpton » Mar 7th, '14, 22:15

We at the Home counties, have several members from oxford way. And you will always be made welcome, at any lecture night. Of course if you are looking for a place to watch magic, Morgan & west hold their magic nights when they can. :)

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Re: Magic Club in Oxford

Postby RobPotts » Mar 21st, '14, 00:00

I'm might be up for it, I'm up in bicester and if I have time would like to get together with a fee likeminded people.

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Re: Magic Club in Oxford

Postby TheGroover » Apr 3rd, '14, 09:59

Hello all
This is my first post! I'm based in Brill and am keen to meet up with people in the area.

Shall we be so bold as to make a plan? I've been learning card tricks for about a year. I've never been to a magic club meet before so I don't know what the best form is. But I like a beer. So how about meeting in a pub? One in or around Headington is best for me. If this takes flight we could rotate: Oxford, Brill, Bicester.

I'm away for a couple of weeks. How about 16th or 24th April?

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Re: Magic Club in Oxford

Postby Johnny Wizz » Apr 3rd, '14, 15:47

That sounds good. Headington is easy enough for me i am in Littlemore. Either date is good for me. Let me know when you are back and can fix a date then

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Re: Magic Club in Oxford

Postby Dan Q » Apr 3rd, '14, 19:17

I've also never been to a magic club meet, but I also like beer, sooo...

16th is just-about-workable to me, but 24th is much better. I live in Kidlington and work in the centre of Oxford, but I'm a strong cyclist and can get to just-about-anywhere you like. Where's a good pub in Headington these days? I sometimes used to drink the the White Hart, when I lived in Marston, but I appreciate that any of the pubs on London Road (e.g. White Horse, Royal Standard) would probably be easier for people to find and get to.

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Re: Magic Club in Oxford

Postby RobPotts » Apr 4th, '14, 20:24


24th seems ok for me


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Re: Magic Club in Oxford

Postby Mandrake » Apr 4th, '14, 20:53

Sounds like you guys have got this off the ground, hope it goes well and don't forget to tell us all about it!

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Re: Magic Club in Oxford

Postby TheGroover » Apr 10th, '14, 12:28

Argh! both those dates are no good for me now. How about the 30th?

And how about the Royal Standard?

I figure we have 4 people - myself, Dan, Rob and Johnny. Once we find a date the 4 of us can manage, we can open it up a little more and ask anyone else along.


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Re: Magic Club in Oxford

Postby Dan Q » Apr 10th, '14, 16:05

30th is workable for me; it's not as good as 24th, but it's okay.

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Re: Magic Club in Oxford

Postby Johnny Wizz » Apr 10th, '14, 16:19

24th or 30th will do for me. No problem with the Royal Standard. I haven't been in the place for more than 30 years though!!

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Re: Magic Club in Oxford

Postby Mandrake » Apr 10th, '14, 18:38

I haven't been in the place for more than 30 years though!!

I guess the prices will have changed a bit!

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Re: Magic Club in Oxford

Postby Dan Q » Apr 14th, '14, 14:40

Okay - we've gone a little quiet here: to be sure everybody's on the same page I'll PM everybody (except Mandrake) in this thread to make sure they've seen it. Here's what I'm hearing -

Wednesday 30th April 2014, 7:15pm onwards
Royal Standard, London Road, Headington, Oxford [map]

Given that I work in central Oxford but live way out in Kidlington, I'll probably go there straight from work and be there from around 6:30pm. If that's too early for other people, that's fine: I'll just have myself some food, then entertain myself by drinking beer and doing card tricks for random patrons.

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Re: Magic Club in Oxford

Postby Johnny Wizz » Apr 14th, '14, 15:12

Yes, sorry, I started all this but then other things caught up with me. I will be a bit later than 6.30, probably 7.15 ish. Look forward tpo meeting up

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