Becoming A Mentalist by Craig Browning

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Re: Becoming A Mentalist by Craig Browning

Postby Monkey Fingers » Jan 25th, '13, 00:21

I made the very same point two nights ago. My comments have mysteriously disappeared. I look forward to this one going soon too.

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Re: Becoming A Mentalist by Craig Browning

Postby Lady of Mystery » Jan 25th, '13, 07:17

Monkey Fingers wrote:I made the very same point two nights ago. My comments have mysteriously disappeared. I look forward to this one going soon too.

Unfortunatly your comments were removed not because of what you said but because of the provocative way that you said it. We don't like removing posts but we do have to try to keep TM peaceful, not always an easy job. I hope you understand.

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Re: Becoming A Mentalist by Craig Browning

Postby Dr Percival RP Pound » Jan 25th, '13, 09:17

I must say that I do concur with the sentiments regrading Naked Mentalism. It's a rather wonderful and very powerful technique and the books really are a treasure trove of information. However they're certainly not something the someone just starting out in mentalism should be touching as they aren't books of tricks but rather a technique that will need experience to use in a convincing manner.

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Re: Becoming A Mentalist by Craig Browning

Postby muldwych » May 24th, '16, 12:45

Great post (not for my bank account its not), have purchased 2 of the books already :)

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