Hey folks, wasn't sure where to post this review technically but wanted to write one so here we go;
"Mystery Package" from Merchant of Magic (https://www.magicshop.co.uk/mystery-package?ref=1) - £19.99I was excited to find this whilst browsing the site the other day. It's a mystery package full of magic! What more could you ask for really for a bit of awesome fun!? (Rhetorical ...
The reviews were good so I went ahead and got one, what a joy! Obviously it is what it says - a surprise mystery! - and consequently there's no guarantees that it'll be "your kind of thing" perhaps, however, it's like getting a really cool magic christmas or birthday present. And the main point for me was the price of £19.99. As I'd read in some of the reviews on site, it was true that if I went and bought the content I got individually it would have come to a lot more I'm sure.
So it's a lotta fun all in all. I don't know if every package is different for everone or whether the "March / April etc Mystery Packages are all the same month by month) but I got some pretty cool stuff;
I might have to come back to this review as I'm not sure if I should reveal the content if it's the same for everyone, tho it will change in April
So the dudes have just told me it's all the same package month to month and don't seem scared I may reveal this one so here goes...
I got
"Twister" - a DVD with gmmick inclued (a key twisting routne)
I got
"Misdirection Effect" - a clever card trick DVD with gimmick pack of bicycles included
I got
a very sexy pack of "Bicycle - Karnival Fatal - Which includes a standard (very sexy backed, obviously) full pack of standard cards, plus the 2 jokers, plus... one double backer and one blank face...well peachy. Nice touch.
Very pleased.
If you like a good surprise for the price of 19.99... please do this and spread the love and the money and feel the excitement.
I'm giving this random surprise 5/5 cos everyone loves a surprise. If you don't, you have something missing from your life. And this could be it.