Absolute Magic - Derren Brown

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Absolute Magic - Derren Brown

Postby nickj » Sep 4th, '03, 15:51

The Effect: As if by magic the magician's performance improves tenfold overnight - I wish.

Cost: currently £26.95 from our favourite online dealer emagictricks

Difficulty: Not really applicable, but ranges from 1-5 but with no sleights!
(1=easy to do, 2=No sleights, but not so easy, 3=Some sleights used,
4=Advanced sleights used, 5=Suitable for experienced magicians only)

Review:This is a book about performance, if you are interested only in tricks don't buy it. If you want to become a real magician, though, you must read this book.

The 250ish page book is stuffed with Derrens theories on the performance of magic, particularly on the subject of making tricks seem like real magic. It is a true treasure chest of info, but I should utter a word of warning, if you accept everything that is written here you will probably break down and cry at the thought of how terrible your performance has been to date, but if you take it in a bit at a time, gradually changing what you do you will undoubtedly improve.

So who should read this book?
If you have never really considered your performance style you should read this book.
If you have, but think it isn't good enough you should read this book.
If you are happy with your performance style you should read this book to assess what you are doing wrong.
If people commend you on how good your tricks are you should read this book just to see why Derren thinks this is a terrible thing. (and having read it I agree with him)
If you want to expand your vocabulary you should read this book.

If you are easily offended by crude language you might want to be a little cautious, (though I shouldn't think that applies to most of our regulars) but Derren is very funny, particularly in his self criticism and laying into Guy Hollingworth, who I can only assume is either a very good friend of his or he really hates him!

Out of 10: Got to be all 10, no question.

Last edited by nickj on Oct 16th, '06, 23:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby seige » Sep 4th, '03, 16:06

Agree, agree and agree...

This is 230 pages of exquisite 'poetry'. Derren's rhetoric style is unique, and reading this is a sheer pleasure.

This book will make you stand back and look at the WHOLE performance - and like Nick says, if you're wanting to learn how to read minds - forget it.

The undulating rhythm this book takes is a journey which follows Derren's thinking. Sometimes, it may seem a bit random - but his diversity and digression are just part of the way he's narrating.

This is far from a reference book... it is like sitting in a quiet coffee bar, far from the madding crowd, just Derren and yourself - talking like mates.

I think that the people I would recommend this to probably have it already. Or at least, you should.

If this review had a difficulty rating - it would be '5' - for experienced magicians only!

Love it! Can't wait for the next installment.

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Postby nickj » Feb 2nd, '04, 11:16

It's good like that ain't it? You look at the ways you've been performing certains things in the light of what Derren says and wonder why you ever thought that it was an effective or entertaining style.

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Postby BaBaBoom » Feb 2nd, '04, 12:17

I got both Derrens books on Friday and haven't really had my head out of them since!

Quality Quality Quality, a clever, funny man.
I am starting to feel like I knew nothing before I started these, lol.

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Postby Jing » Feb 2nd, '04, 19:56

Been waiting for this review, Nearly did it myself. It's a great book and Derren's an amazing author... I've got Pure Effect aswell, and that's darn good too. Like what's been said Absolute Magic is more about perfomance whereas Pure Effect contains a few effects aswell. Highly recommended :)

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Postby magicdiscoman » Feb 3rd, '04, 01:36

me no need no stinking book to tell me what to do me gets paid for a living.

if thats what you are thinking then like me your a deluded legend in your own mind fool. :?

i will definately be putting this on my reference list, wish list you should trust thease people not to steer you wrong, well they havent steered me wrong so far especialy on the pips a popping. :roll:


Postby Midas Kid » Feb 5th, '04, 16:13

As yer mann nickj says take it in a little at time.

It is a good read, if not overly wordy and does make you think about your own performance. This is partly why I have never taken the leap from hobbyist to paid performer, always doubting my own abillities as a performer/magish.

Still there is one question that bugs me. Are performing magi that bad that we really need a book like this to point out the problems and make everyone sit up?

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Postby BaBaBoom » Feb 5th, '04, 16:28

I would have to say after reading these books and OTHER magic boards, yes, I am afraid so.


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Postby magicdiscoman » Feb 5th, '04, 17:12

so long as i get bookings and rebookings then I'm not overly concerned, my customers tell me if something is'nt quite right by voteing with there feet well actualy wallets.

also after a party i send around a questionair which includes a discount of next booking which is great feedback and a good hook for follow on parties :wink:


Postby jay789 » Aug 7th, '06, 18:54

HORRAH, he's writing another one:

Derren has just about finished writing "Tricks of the Mind", his first book for the general public. It is due to be released at the start of November and can be pre-ordered from Amazon.

It is an introduction to Derren's main areas of skill or interest: magic, hypnosis, non-verbal communication, memory work, and his sceptical approach to religion and the paranormal.

Added/Updated: 31st July 2006

(source= www.derrenbrown.co.uk)

What people dont know was the first two books werejust his notes put together by someone else;

Yeha, the book rocks, he's like my hero, i have both of his books, and his dvd's AND seen him live when he went on tour, He's amazing,

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Postby JackWright » Aug 7th, '06, 19:42

moi aussi

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Postby PickAnyCard » Aug 7th, '06, 20:15

Finally! I have been waiting for this book.

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Postby Tomo » Aug 7th, '06, 20:27

jay789 wrote:What people dont know was the first two books werejust his notes put together by someone else;

Are you sure? :?

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