Murder in Mind, by Rebecca Harris

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Postby Reverend Tristan » Dec 17th, '09, 20:03

Right I really didn't want to be spending my money on magic this year as I've just lost my job and I've got enough stuff already but I have been thinking about doing something along the murder mystery line for a bit and with having some venues intrested I though it was worth a look.

Turn out it is worth a look, it's a very nice routine that you only need a few certain things to perform (but you can pick up them up easily on a trip to your local stationery shop but most of the mentalists will have them anyway)

It builds from the suspect being picked and then named through several other bits to the finding of the body at the end, with a nice little kicker.

I will be using this as part of a larger night that I'm working on, but that's part of the routines beauty you can add to it or use each stage on it's own as you feel the need.

A very well rounded product :D

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Postby Lady of Mystery » Dec 31st, '09, 10:31

Thanks Tristan, I'm really glad that you like it. You'll have to let me know how it goes down when you perform it. :D

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Postby .robb. » Feb 5th, '10, 04:39

"Then there are 3 chapters about: More Murderous Magic "

As in other routines, theory, references, or something else?

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Postby Tomo » Feb 5th, '10, 11:36

.robb. wrote:"Then there are 3 chapters about: More Murderous Magic "

As in other routines, theory, references, or something else?

There's a recipe for a rather nice dish. I kid you not.

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Postby Justin Saul » Feb 5th, '10, 18:27

Tomo wrote:There's a recipe for a rather nice dish. I kid you not.

Is it revenge? I hear that's a dish best served cold! :wink:

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Postby Lady of Mystery » Feb 9th, '10, 17:28

The More Murderous Magic section contains instructions on how to put together a few items that'll need for the main routine as well as another little, murder themed effect.

And Tomo's right, there's also one of my favourite recipes in there. Just for something different.

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Postby Part-Timer » Aug 11th, '10, 21:27

I said I would give my views on this!

It's a very well-constructed routine, with a number of strong phases that tie together well. There are some very nice ideas in here, and some solid methods too. Nothing is too difficult, and in particular there is a nice use of an idea from Corinda.

As well as this, there is a bonus effect, a recipe and instructions on a couple of utility devices that could be used in other routines.

It's a good book (rather than the good book) and a bargain at the price. If I have another work talent show this year, this purchase might have helped me decide what to do. I don't think H&S will allow the knife throwing, whips and torture show.

Well, not again.

I do, however, have one thing to ask. What happened to Captain Brown, Mr Slate-Grey, Inspector Grey and butlers Hogarth and Diddit? :wink:

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Postby Lady of Mystery » Aug 16th, '10, 10:39

Thanks, Hun! Glad that you liked it and I hope that you can use it :)

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Postby Vanderbelt » Oct 30th, '10, 08:11

I was fully intending on waiting a while before adding my thoughts about this. I've only had the book a few days and have been reading and re-reading it thoroughly since. But to be honest, I'm too impressed not to share my thoughts right now.

Becky has taken some solid methods from the roots of mentalism as well as some of her own creative thinking and tied them together into a solidly phased routine which should flow just nicely. Nothing seems out of place or out of sorts. All the methods are simple (not to be confused with undeceptive!) to perform, there's nothing here that should tax even a beginner which allows as much of your mental capacity as possible to concentrate on delivering a great performance.

There really is so much to do with this routine. If you so chose, you could run with this with very little prep-work and perform the routine as-is and you'd have a great bit of entertainment on your hands. It's also an excellent framework for a wonderful bizarre evening of serial killers etc and I'm genuinely excited about performing it.

Routine and methods aside, Becky's writing is clear, uncomplicated and makes for very easy reading. Not a single one of those moments that have you thinking "Hang on, let me read that again, not sure what she meant".

Oh, and guess what I'm making for dinner tomorrow? ;)

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Postby spooneythegoon » Oct 31st, '10, 20:16

Magick wrote:
Tomo wrote:There's a recipe for a rather nice dish. I kid you not.

Is it revenge? I hear that's a dish best served cold! :wink:

Not that, you'll start him off on "revenge is a cheesecake" again! :wink:

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