Creations, by Anthony Harle

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Creations, by Anthony Harle

Postby cc100 » Aug 26th, '11, 01:20

Creations is a PDF e-book by Anthony Harle (forum username hds02115), in which Anthony describes some of the ideas and routines used in his work as a professional close-up magician. As the title suggests, it is not (or, at least, it is not primarily) an instructional piece describing how to perform various sleights. Rather, it is a collection of ideas about routines that Anthony has either performed or intends to perform after further experimentation. The value of the book depends on the extent to which readers are able to utilise Anthony's tips and ideas to suit their own card magic performances. A reasonable level of prior knowledge about card magic is assumed.


Currently £10, though this may increase if it becomes available to buy on a website.

(1=easy to do, 2=No sleights, but not so easy, 3=Some sleights used,
4=Advanced sleights used, 5=Suitable for experienced magicians only)

2 to 4/5


As stated earlier, this book describes some of the routines used by Anthony in his work as a card magician. It is not an instructional book, as I have said, and I think that should be made clear. I think anybody buying the book hoping to learn card sleights from it might find themselves disappointed. It is perhaps of a similar mould to Derren Brown's The Devil's Picturebook (though obviously not in DVD format), where routines and tips are explained which the reader is free to adapt and to suit to their own performances. I personally found the book a useful supplement to the more traditional, instructional works on card magic that I own, such as The Royal Road to Card Magic and Expert Card Technique. As good as such books are, they tricks they describe often seem distanced from the card magic of today. Both books were written fifty or so years ago. A book such as Creations offers a good example of how the basic principles described in instructional books remain relevant, but that methods of presentation have altered. For example, Anthony explains the advantages of explaining mind-reading card feats through reading body language, rather than through some sort of psychic ability. Creations situates much of the content of classic instructional books within the present day context of card conjuring.

The routines themselves are based on elegance and simplicity. After discussing the subject of marked decks, the author describes his variation of a mind-reading feat, 'Thought of Card'. The effect is that the spectator selects a card, and the performer is able to determine what the card is by asking a series of questions. It is technically a fairly easy trick, but it can be presented as an impressive feat of mind-reading.

The second feat described is 'Speed Spotting', which was influenced by a trick performed by Derren Brown on an episode of Trick of the Mind. The author admits that the method is not as clean as that used by Derren, but it is still a strong effect. Again, the method behind the trick is simple yet subtle.

The third routine is 'Card Under Box'. This is a difficult routine, requiring an advanced level of card handling. A nice touch on this routine is actually showing the spectators the palming of the card, and still being able to load cards under the box afterwards. The routine draws quite heavily upon some of the sleights used in Derren Brown's The Devil's Picturebook, so the routine might be quite difficult to follow for readers unfamiliar with this material. It's certainly beyond my skill level, but the routine clearly has some clever ideas in it, and I'm sure more advanced magicians than myself would find Anthony's interpretation of the routine interesting.

Next is an effect called 'Little Black Envelope', inspired by a similar trick performed by Eugene Burger (though using a different method). Similarly to Anthony's 'Thought of Card', the trick has a simplicity of method about it of which magicians like Hugard and Braue would approve. The sleight used in the routine is probably described in enough detail for the reader to perform it just from the written description, but it originally comes from The Devil's Picturebook. I think Anthony's presentation of the trick as one of suggestion might create a stronger false memory on the part of the spectator than Burger's presentation of the trick as a prediction.

Following a discussion of simple and complex methods of achieving magical effects is an effect called 'Destiny of the Rings'. This is a really brilliant idea - I think perhaps one of the best in the book. In this effect a borrowed ring vanishes and reappears inside a sealed envelope which has remained in view throughout. The moves used in the routine derive from card sleights, but are given quite a different application. I think the suggested patter is very good in heightening the emotional effect of the routine, as the author's anecdote parallels the vanish and reappearance of the borrowed ring. Some excellent ideas here in my opinion. This routine is described as an idea only; it has not been performed before an audience.

The final effect is 'Out of this Universe' - Anthony's interpretation of one of the greatest card tricks, 'Out of this World'. There are some clever alterations to the original method here. The performer is able to riffle shuffle the pack before the effect begins, and the routine has a kicker ending in which the red and black cards intertwine. The ending is merely an idea, but if performed well I think it would be an excellent conclusion to this classic trick.

The book then describes a false riffle shuffle based on a Lennart Green technique, and some thoughts on an alternate ending to the gypsy thread effect.

Overall 8/10

I feel this is a very interesting book with some excellent ideas and useful tips and suggestions. Exactly how good a book it is really depends on what each reader chooses to take away from the routines described. I personally feel that there are plenty of good ideas that magicians could use in their own routines. Also, I think that more skilled magicians than myself might find the book more useful than I did, as some of the sleights mentioned are a bit beyond my skill level. However, this is a book that I will certainly revisit as I (hopefully!) improve in the future. Anyone interested in purchasing the book should pm hds02115.

Thanks (and hope my first review is ok!),


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Re: Creations, by Anthony Harle

Postby hds02115 » Aug 26th, '11, 18:36

Thank you Calum (cc100) for this great review.

Last edited by hds02115 on Dec 4th, '11, 18:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Creations, by Anthony Harle

Postby Alfred Borden » Sep 2nd, '11, 13:56

Anthony got in touch with me after reading about my interest in the Out of this World magic trick, his PDF includes a lovely version of "Out of this Universe" amongst other routines
This piece of writing comes highly recommended and the author has a very honest, clear way of writing. There is no waffle, just some very clearly thought out ideas on how to present some of his favourite magic

The author is very honest in mentioning the origins of the material and includes "outs" on certain tricks

This comes recommended and represents real value for money in my opinion

A solid 8/10 for me

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