White Board

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Re: White Board

Postby Mandrake » Oct 3rd, '12, 17:30

Size is important :D !!!

Whilst looking for the slates I also found an A4 sized Whiteboard which I bought yonks ago from Wilkinsons - £1.99, markers were extra at 99p!

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Re: White Board

Postby Mandrake » Oct 3rd, '12, 17:32

micky wrote:I have decided to order it. (I have decided to order it and not the Smart Chest, which I had a dilemma between both of them, because of the price.)
Are you interested that I post a review after I receive it and experience it?

We're always interested in Reviews, by all means please let us know your thoughts, especially as to whether the item is worth the money.

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Re: White Board

Postby kevmundo » Oct 3rd, '12, 22:47

Controversially, and just to add some confusion to the mix, I've just watched (again) Kockov's 'Plunge of Death' and 'Dial-Abolical.' In both DVD's (same audience/same night I think) he uses a white board as his principle means of conveying his thoughts. It appears to have plenty of lighting. I accept that it's filmed in a smallish setting. However, it does show that you can play large with a whiteboard in certain settings!!! Of some significance, is that he achieves the impossible - and with Dial-Abolical, I mean absolutely impossible - by spending about £10.00 on material. This is the sort of mind-blowing effect that you can perform with a cast-iron guarantee that it will never break or let you down! For the price of a DVD and a few bits and bobs from the stationers, you'll have something just as impressive (in my opinion, much more impressive) than the Cobra whiteboard.

I guarantee that if you did the six person book test, then used the cobra white board, people would remember the book test. It just seems so impossible. You'd also save a hell of a lot of money. Again though, I state that I do like the white board and I'd love a review. I'm certain I could find a place for it.

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Re: White Board

Postby Ted » Oct 3rd, '12, 23:02

I suppose the thing to remember is that it's the effect that matters and not the method.

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Re: White Board

Postby kevmundo » Oct 3rd, '12, 23:34

Ted wrote:I suppose the thing to remember is that it's the effect that matters and not the method.

Absolutley! And I think that so many people forget that. The audience don't care - and most importantly they don't know what the method is. I'm about to put together my own six book test based on Kochov's routine but using a slate instead of a whiteboard. I know I can hand six books out, ask any person to name a number, and get a word in their book from that page. I'll be doing this with a slate and chalk whilst blindfolded. You can't get more primitive than that! Plus, I know it can't break!

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Re: White Board

Postby soveda » Oct 4th, '12, 11:48

micky wrote:
Mandrake wrote:The electronic White board is very expensive and only serves to do what many other methods and gimmicks can do. As I said earlier, only the working n professionals would be able to justify such a purchase and even then, they'd probably find the easier and lower cost methods to be more convincing.
In view of the responses so far, it seems to me that the board in question isn't going to be awarded any accolades or reviews here, I see there's an advert for this and the other item from the same manufacturer on page 17 of the October 'Magic' Magazine, price 'only' $440.00 so perhaps the International community might take more kindly to it. Can we now treat this topic as done and dusted?

From my point of view it is done, as I have decided to order it. (I have decided to order it and not the Smart Chest, which I had a dilemma between both of them, because of the price.)

I just want to add to the voices saying go to the books: Corinda, Anneman, Banachek (psychological touches) and "Zapped" would allow you to do many, if not all, of the effects created by technology in those frankly expensive gimmicks.

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Re: White Board

Postby Craig Browning » Oct 4th, '12, 14:09

Seems to me that he really didn't want "advice" in that he's ignored all that's been said and forked out the cash to buy something based on ego and apparent simplicity vs. actual skill and the ability to not to have to rely on something special. He'll learn the hard way as most everyone relying on such a device, learns. :?

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Re: White Board

Postby daleshrimpton » Oct 4th, '12, 17:58

the un gaffed whiteboard. i discovered the technique.. It was also something that a certain Mr Berglas had discovered too. :)

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Re: White Board

Postby Mandrake » Oct 4th, '12, 22:30

I'm not normally a cheapskate but I much prefer the low cost, basic stuff because if it breaks (and it will!) it's easy and cheap to replace, it doesn't matter too much if you lose it, leave it on a bus or if some smartypants eejit drops it accidentally on purpose. If that happened to a high priced electronic gizmo I'd need six months of intense therapy at least!

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Re: White Board

Postby Rob » Oct 5th, '12, 09:57

Doesn't even have to be high-priced; how many of us can say, "Coin Unique", without wincing..? :wink:

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Re: White Board

Postby Aza » Oct 5th, '12, 11:35

How many of us dropped a coin unique through the slats on the pier only to have their friend say, "don't worry it was only 2p" :D

I still sulk about that to this day!

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Re: White Board

Postby micky » Oct 10th, '12, 15:04

Mandrake wrote:
micky wrote:I have decided to order it. (I have decided to order it and not the Smart Chest, which I had a dilemma between both of them, because of the price.)
Are you interested that I post a review after I receive it and experience it?

We're always interested in Reviews, by all means please let us know your thoughts, especially as to whether the item is worth the money.

I have received my White Board and started to use it in every performance. In fact I have already used a similar board for some time before I have ordered mine, I have used one borrowed from a friend. The White Board that I have received now is a newer one, it looks like a standard whiteboard that you would buy from a stationary store to keep reminder notes on, which is exactly what you want it to look like. It does not look at all like a magic prop.
It enables you to know instantly what your volunteer is erasing from it, exactly as shown on the demos. It can be used on both sides.
I am using it on stage, but it can be used for close-up as well.
Is it worth the money? From my opinion YES. It is not cheap, but I believe that good products (not only in magic) cost money, and if you want to progress you have to spend on what you are doing. (It is not that I try to convince myself after having spent on it, I believe in this.)
Would I buy it if I had to decide now? Yes, because It has improved my performance and I am doing with it things that can't be done otherwise.

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Re: White Board

Postby Lawrence » Oct 10th, '12, 15:39

In less than a week you have ordered and recieved this, had time to rehearse and included it in multiple shows?


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Re: White Board

Postby Aza » Oct 10th, '12, 16:00

Lawrence wrote:In less than a week you have ordered and recieved this, had time to rehearse and included it in multiple shows?


You think that's quick, you should speak to my ex girlfriend about our love life! :lol:

On topic, Micky, I'm glad this is of some use to you, but i would advise listening to the clever b******s here at TM, they could offer you a resource to learn to do the exact same effect for five quid or less.....remember spectators don't care about the method, it's the end product that they see!

And i know how you feel, i started off wanting to spend loads of cash on bits and pieces, but after some kind words from various people here i have a fantastic reference library that i refer to on a daily basis and have enough material to last me a lifetime, for less than a hundred quid!

If mentalism is your bag, Tomo, Craig Browning, Lady of Mystery and a fair few others will see you right, but do take on board their comments, they are bloody clever and give their time free of charge here (bearing in mind an hours consultation with a similarly knowledgeable person in that field will cost you a lot of cash!) so I'm glad you are happy with your product, but please consider listening to the help offered here, i personally have and it has saved me a fortune (even if i was a stubborn little sh!t not so long ago wanting to spend all my cash on junk!!)

Good luck in the future

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Re: White Board

Postby Jean » Oct 10th, '12, 20:22

Hey Micky you tell lies, you tell lies when your online
hey Micky (clap clap) hey Micky

Hey Micky no surprise that you would think it's worth the price
hey Micky (clap clap) hey Micky

Hey Micky please don't whine this tricks a total waste of time
hey Micky (clap clap) hey Micky

Hey Micky

This trick is total sh*te
I'll explain why in this song
You think you've got it right
but I guarantee your wrong
If you could see the light
Then you could really learn Micky

You may insist it's good
but I do think you will find
you don't guess what they erased
your supposed to read their minds
You ignored all our advice
So please don't waste our time Micky

Oh Micky what a pity you don't understand
you could have spent that money on some books by Annemann
Oh Micky it's so shitty don't you understand?
They ripped you off Micky
But just because you've been screwed Micky
don't wreck the art Micky

Hey micky

You spent four hundred pounds
you should ask yourself what for
if you purchase thirteen steps
you could then do so much more
and if you keep this up
you're going to turn out really poor micky

The premiss is so bad
and I cannot see the use
you claim that you are glad
but I don't think that's the truth
You're either spamming us
or you're just a foolish youth Micky

Oh Micky what a pity you don't understand
as far as magic gimmicks go this ones really bland
oh Micky you have our pity I hope you understand
You don't know s*** Micky
you cannot buy a good act Micky
it's in the work Micky

Oh Micky what a pity now that moneys gone
and the only good it brought is that I wrote this awesome song
oh Micky hear this ditty and take the message on
and buy more books Micky
that's all it takes, it is true Micky
it's what you do Micky

Hey Micky it took me time to create a fitting rhyme
hey Micky (clap clap) hey Micky

Hey Micky but that's fine it gave me a chance to shine
hey Micky (clap clap) hey Micky

Oh Micky what a pity that you brought this trash
I can only guess you weren't spending your own cash
oh Micky if you did you acted rather rash
and soon you'll crash Micky

and when you do don't whine to us Micky
don't make a fuss Micky

Oh Micky ain't I witty dissing you in song?
You may think I an ass but you'll soon see that you're wrong
oh Micky honestly I want to get along
But your just wrong Micky

it's the truth, I'll get the proof Micky
you made a goof Micky

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