Newcomer? Just Do It.

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Re: Newcomer? Just Do It.

Postby soveda » May 6th, '16, 10:03

tommymcc84 wrote:Hi MrCat!

I think I am a bit late to the party but have just read through this whole thread - awesome! Well done for just getting out there and doing it. I think I am at about the stage you were maybe a month before your first post :shock:

How's it going now? ASny tips for getting over debut nerves?! (The only person who has seem my attempts at magic is me in the mirror and I don't think I count as audience)

Nerves are good, they keep you sharp. The best thing is to go with things that you are very very confident in doing and then get into a flow.
If you have something self working to start it can help in easing yourself in.
The big thing I would suggest is filming yourself saying out loud what you would be saying in performance and watch yourself back, script some patter so that you are not just narrating the effects. Think about how things link within your routine.
For table hopping at an event I do the following:
Pseudo ambitious card (I use a OWD) with a comedy reveal, during laughter I get the card signed and go into a Shaun F idea with the omni.
Then having shown the mystical powers I do some metal bending.
All takes about 15 minutes with chat and laughter and then I move on having asked for the table to cheer as loudly as they can (make it into a competition with the other tables).
What this means is that other tables want to know what is happening so you have an easier introduction.
I usually pick the "young" table first (young adults not children) and then move on to families etc.
For families I introduce myself to the most bored looking child and do a sponge ball routine and/or a rubber band routine and then the colour monte for the rest of the table. Smile, ask for cheers and leave.
Fundamentally the magic is there to encourage chatting, entertain and always leaving the table with people wanting a little more.
I also ask whether there is anyone on the table who likes magic because if no one does or they are actively dismissive I just leave them to it.
Having said that I sometimes get people saying "I don't like card tricks" and even then I will sometimes just do bag 4 life and move on. In my experience this tends to get people going "actually magic can be entertaining".
Remember that you are the entertainment not the trick.
Go out there and have fun!
Oh and don't worry about being "caught" if something goes wrong make it a joke and move on.

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Re: Newcomer? Just Do It.

Postby tommymcc84 » May 10th, '16, 18:04

MrCat, thanks for the advice! I try to get my girlfriend too listen but the level I'm at doesn't seem to particularly impress her e.g. "Why don't you do more stuff like that Dynamo guy?" Thanks for the advice, dear...;) My brother is a good sounding board though so I'm definitely using his good will before I venture further afield.

You're definitely right about the patter. It's amazing watching magicians how one can seem so much better than the other just based on the chat but I also think good chat comes from being confident in your tricks. Sort of a bit chicken and egg!! It's just like you said about nerves being less when you know a trick has gone down well previously.

It definitely sounds like you could start doing your own nights in the local pub though!! It's rerally good reading back through yuour posts so I'm pretty sure we'd all appreciate hearing more! :)

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Re: Newcomer? Just Do It.

Postby tommymcc84 » May 10th, '16, 18:10

Nerves are good, they keep you sharp. The best thing is to go with things that you are very very confident in doing and then get into a flow.
If you have something self working to start it can help in easing yourself in.
The big thing I would suggest is filming yourself saying out loud what you would be saying in performance and watch yourself back, script some patter so that you are not just narrating the effects. Think about how things link within your routine.
For table hopping at an event I do the following:
Pseudo ambitious card (I use a OWD) with a comedy reveal, during laughter I get the card signed and go into a Shaun F idea with the omni.
Then having shown the mystical powers I do some metal bending.
All takes about 15 minutes with chat and laughter and then I move on having asked for the table to cheer as loudly as they can (make it into a competition with the other tables).
What this means is that other tables want to know what is happening so you have an easier introduction.
I usually pick the "young" table first (young adults not children) and then move on to families etc.
For families I introduce myself to the most bored looking child and do a sponge ball routine and/or a rubber band routine and then the colour monte for the rest of the table. Smile, ask for cheers and leave.
Fundamentally the magic is there to encourage chatting, entertain and always leaving the table with people wanting a little more.
I also ask whether there is anyone on the table who likes magic because if no one does or they are actively dismissive I just leave them to it.
Having said that I sometimes get people saying "I don't like card tricks" and even then I will sometimes just do bag 4 life and move on. In my experience this tends to get people going "actually magic can be entertaining".
Remember that you are the entertainment not the trick.
Go out there and have fun!
Oh and don't worry about being "caught" if something goes wrong make it a joke and move on.[/quote]

Hi, thanks for the advice! I think you're right about trying to script some patter but do you ever feel that makes it sound a bit wooden? I'm worried I would sound a bit robotic if |I tried to learn a script and repeat it.

I think I still need to do a stage of trying out tricks with just a coiuple of friends or family before I move onto anything bigger but those techniques of who to approach first etc. are really interesting. As tyou say, it's amazing how a couple of tricks can change an opinion or two about if they like magic or not!

And I know, you're right, I do just need to get out there and try some tricks out - I can't just keep doing all my tricks for myself (although I do find I am a very positive audience member...)! :lol:

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Re: Newcomer? Just Do It.

Postby soveda » May 10th, '16, 23:12

The term patter is a bit misleading. What I mean is that you should construct a story of the effect, something that fits with your personality. I'm rather geeky so I talk about sponge balls being the tribbles from star trek- to people old enough or geeky enough to remember them. Or obviously false explanations like there being a string on every card on the deck that I can pull to bring it to the top.
It's more robotic to just describe what is happening.
You didn't need to stick rigidly to the same words each time just have an idea where you want to go with your story.
It is almost easier to perform for people who don't know you because they have no preconceived view of who you are and are less likely to be looking for how you do what you do. But yes it is scary at first.
I'm not a fan of just doing magic at people street magic style because I don't like to intrude, sitting in a coffee shop practicing shuffles may get people asking what you are doing and they can be your first "real" audiences.

Hope you have fun with whatever you end up doing.

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Re: Newcomer? Just Do It.

Postby tommymcc84 » Jun 1st, '16, 10:54

Thanks Soveda! I'll definitely keep going and it's all fun - successful or not!!

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Re: Newcomer? Just Do It.

Postby ferrumstone » Sep 26th, '18, 10:29

I'm a newcomer too, and this has been truly inspiring! I know a couple of easy card tricks but don't get out too much...I keep practicing for a basic card spread and, after many hours, still can't get them even! I do have one deck kept around just in case I have an opportunity to show it off...

A card is selected (or forced) at "random" before being "shuffled" back in the deck. Using the technique to throw the deck from one hand to the other while extracting the top & bottom placed card, I tell them I've pulled their card from the deck while reading their mind. I reveal the "one" extracted card to barrels of laughter because I couldn't be more wrong.

They take the deck, telling me out loud the card, and search for their card, which they find. To the amazement, the wrong card is pictured on their selection...

You have inspired me to build that confidence in my ability more and just do it. I'll let you know how it goes...oh, and can't wait for Cube3 to arrive!

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Re: Newcomer? Just Do It.

Postby MrCat » Oct 15th, '18, 11:37

ferrumstone wrote:I'm a newcomer too, and this has been truly inspiring!

That's really great dude, I haven't been about here for a long long time but it's really nice to know that post keeps inspiring folk to this day :D

Do let me know how it goes. I haven't bought or done a huge amount of magic recently but if you need any ideas I'm sure I've got plenty for you, just holla!


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Re: Newcomer? Just Do It.

Postby ferrumstone » Oct 29th, '18, 23:09

Thanks very much, Mr Cat!

I've bought a few different card decks recently, but persevering with handling techniques. FINALLY I have realised what I've been doing wrong with my card fans and, although not perfect every time, I have tonight got it (after a good 6 months+!). If only someone told me to treat it like a book of paint samples...does it matter if you only spread anywhere between 20 to 40 cards?

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Re: Newcomer? Just Do It.

Postby MrCat » Oct 30th, '18, 11:57

To be honest mate that sounds great to me, I could never fan cards nicely for the life of me haha. I think most of my prefered card tricks were stacks or forces for a great reveal and a bunch of other non card stuff. :)
I was tempted to buy a card mat once but never got round to it, I do admire good card handling tho, and it looks great when you can spread them all nicely on a table I think.

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Re: Newcomer? Just Do It.

Postby ferrumstone » Oct 31st, '18, 07:30

I have got a card mat, though rarely use it. I love those spreads too, especially if you can manipulate the cards within! When I first got into magic, I wanted to do anything but card tricks, but have found them so nice to use and great for keeping your hands busy while zoning out! When I finally managed the spread in my hand, I just kept doing it without thinking too much for well over an I see a deck I have to try again!

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Re: Newcomer? Just Do It.

Postby MrCat » Oct 31st, '18, 10:36

Excellent, yea keep up the good work, I love it when folk can spread them on the table, then flip them over from one side to the other in that big sort of wave effect if you know what I mean to reveal the faces or backs. Never could do that!

My fave was always coins through table, as no gimmicks involved, like yourself I sat for 2 or 3 days at my desk just repeating it, but it's sooo satisfying when you nail something like that. No matter how good I ever got at anything tho I always get well nervous when performing haha.

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