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Postby Mandrake » Feb 1st, '16, 01:44

You all know me well enough by now, for the past 13+ years, I’ve tried to maintain a neutral and fair attitude at all times but enough is enough!!!

I am utterly and totally peed off with eejits who join TM just to post spurious and inaccurate complaints about a supplier- most likely muckraking by a disgruntled ex employee - and we know quite a few of the names, folks!!!.

The most recent sequence has finally made me blow my top so If anyone feels like joining just to moan, they won’t get any help, they won’t get any replies; the posts will be moved out of sight but kept in case of legal action.

On January 17th some berk under username anajuon posted:
Anyone know how to get in contact with (name removed for legal reasons). I ordered something 3 months ago (hasn't arrived) and they haven't returned any of my emails. Thoughts?

He followed this up with:
Hi, I joined this forum to complain and warn others about my experience with a magic shop and it seems to be deleted. I find this rather strange or does the magic shop in question have friends in high places. This magic shop has so far ripped off a young adult with learning problems of a £15 magic trick. He should be named and shamed. I have proof of email ignored, phone calls unanswered, phone messages ignored. And messages on my face book site also complaining about him. If you or him think I will let this drop think again, I refuse to let this young man be treated this way. I will not name the shop, because the mods will delete it again. But if anybody would like to pm me I will tell them the name.

I took the unprecedented step of emailing him via a separate email address thusly:

Sent: 23 January 2016 23:35
Subject: Posts on TalkMagic

Hi from TalkMagic,

Re your posts:

Just joined to let people know that I ordered from (deleted for legal reasons) over three weeks ago, I have not received my package, and they are not answering their phones emails or phone messages, have posted on their Facebook site and the owners Facebook book site and still no response. I was told this was a good shop, but if this is good customer support I would hate to see a bad one. Hopefully this will shame the shop owner to now contact me. I will now start posting on other websites.


Hi, I joined this forum to complain and warn others about my experience with a magic shop and it seems to be deleted. I find this rather strange or does the magic shop in question have friends in high places. This magic shop has so far ripped off a young adult with learning problems of a £15 magic trick. He should be named and shamed. I have proof of email ignored, phone calls unanswered, phone messages ignored. And messages on my face book site also complaining about him. If you or him think I will let this drop think again, I refuse to let this young man be treated this way. I will not name the shop, because the mods will delete it again. But if anybody would like to pm me I will tell them the name.

As Admin of the site, I see there are a few things we need to explain.

Your posts have not been deleted as you state. As a security measure to prevent spammers who register just to promote 'iffy' topics or products (drugs, sex sites and similar stuff) phpBB holds back the first five posts from a new member so they can be individually checked by the Mods. For similar reasons, the PM facility also does not kick in until after these first five approved posts so the invitation to PM you simply won't be valid yet. I can see that there has been discussion on your initial message and the gist is that we aren't happy for newcomers to just register to complain. We have taken advice on this sort of situation several times and, without substantiation and independent verification, the site could be held guilty of publishing damaging comments to the detriment of a commercial or other enterprise which can be to subject of legal action.

Additionally, the suggestion that the shop in question has 'friends in high places' is not only unnecessary it is rather disrespectful to the site and not in accord with the rules and guidelines which you agreed to to get your registration. You don't know us and we don't know you but the basis of the site is mutual respect with polite and considerate comments and observations on Magic and associated aspects. Telling us that 'If you or him think I will let this drop think again' is confrontational and inappropriate as we have had nothing to do with the situation so please understand that we can't permit such confrontation on TM.

Whilst we can understand your frustration at not receiving items ordered, we won't be drawn into public discussions of individual cases like this as we can do nothing about the situation.

I trust this will help explain a few things and assure you that if we hear anything which will help your situation I'll be in touch again.

So far no reply!!!

Today he again posted:
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2016 23:29:17 +0000
Posted today by the same guy as the recent one, I thought he was a complete eejit last time, now I know he is!

From acajou » 31 Jan 2016 18:52

Has any else had any problems with (name deleted for legal reasons) and receiving packages? I ordered an item 3 months ago, never showed up. After emailing (name deleted for legal reasons) over a two month period I finally got a reply from them saying they will look into it. Two weeks later, still no reply. There goes $170. Thoughts? Advice?

First thought, it was $15 to start with, now its $170! I'm tempted to advise them to just go forth and multiply but that would mean sinking to their level.

I don’t normally publish such details in public but his email address is the IP is which, according to is in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA!

His registration has been deleted so if anyone knows this person, please have a word before I get a coronary!

Another newbie called Jesting {oh yeah very funny!) also registered just to post:

Just joined to let people know that I ordered from (Deleted for legal reasons) over three weeks ago, I have not received my package, and they are not answering their phones emails or phone messages, have posted on their Facebook site and the owners Facebook book site and still no response. I was told this was a good shop, but if this is good customer support I would hate to see a bad one. Hopefully this will shame the shop owner to now contact me. I will now start posting on other websites.

I have spoken at length to the supplier in question and the story is very different. Firstly, they use a Skype system which records not only the phone number calling but also the time and date. Without exception all the so called ‘unanswered’ calls were made well after close of business as shown on the shop website and no messages were left on the ansafone facility. I have no problems with getting through by phone so clearly jestig and anajuon are telling porkies! Moreover the $15 item was reordered from the US specially and resent a few days after the shop became aware of a problem. I see no mention of this at all. I know what the scam is with these berks but I can't post details as others may try it on!

So, in a nutshell, whilst we don't like anyone to be ripped off, we are not a bloody complaints department, OK?!!! If you have a problem it’s not our fault and, to be honest, we really can’t help so don’t want to know. Anyone posting such moans from now on will be deleted without explanation and their registration details added to the banned list or published so you can spam 'em!!!.

OK, I feel a bit better now….. not a lot… but a little…

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Postby Mandrake » Feb 1st, '16, 23:22

PS None of the above applies to existing and long term members of TM, if you have a problem and you think the Modsters can help, just let us know.

The big difference is Joining TalkMagic compared to Joining in with TalkMagic - those two words make all the difference!

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