Holiday Book

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Holiday Book

Postby storm01 » Mar 1st, '18, 13:10

Hi all

Any advice on a good new mentalism book for my jollies?



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Re: Holiday Book

Postby bmat » Mar 1st, '18, 16:59

What do you consider new? Some of the old ones are really good.

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Re: Holiday Book

Postby storm01 » Mar 1st, '18, 20:13

I've got 13 PMM and a few of the other older ones but just fancied something a little different

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Re: Holiday Book

Postby bmat » Mar 1st, '18, 20:33

Not new but different. Mind Myth and Magic by T.A Waters.

Quite a few effects he obviously never did, or if he did it was in very specific conditions. Many are almost impossible such as making a four foot demon appear, (good luck with that one). The book got amazing reviews in almost all the magic publications, but it should be disclosed that it was T.A Waters himself that reviewed the book.

All that being said, if you look past the effects and look at the theory, the presentations, ideas, etc. If you look at the effects and follow the thinking behind them then the book is worth its weight in gold, and it is one heavy book and almost sells for its weight in gold. But in the right hands and with study it is beyond almost any other book on mentalism.

The really bad side, It was a few hundred American dollars when it first came out. Very happy I managed to get a copy back then. Now I can't find one for less than $300.00 USD

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