Folks, I just got a new marked deck, my first ever. DMC Elites as reviewed and commented on in other places here....
Now I'm looking for ideas on what to do with them. I feel kind of stupid as ...well, with a marked deck the possibilities are surely endless but boy I can't think of a single one off hand haha

The only think I can really think of right now is some kind of mentalist routine whcich could work well as I'm pretty good at the banter, that was always the thing I relied on most when performing anything. Weave everyone into a false sense of what's going on then Bang hit them up with the reveal haha. Always brilliant but I'm looking for some suggestions on anything you may have used them for to great effect and wonder?
I'm kind of feeling like there's so much you can do with them I'm a bit overwhelmed and can't think of anything haha, so I'd really love some of your routines and ideas.
I'm going to have to buy some more 'regular' decks with similar backs now for the good old deck switch as all mine are bycicles for the same reason but these are different
