Penn and Teller

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Postby MartinUK » Jun 25th, '07, 19:33

No, I'd like to see Teller's whole performance. This here is the best I've found, but it's broken by interviews and such.

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Postby umop 3p!sdn » Jul 20th, '07, 16:48

rvoice100 wrote:and here is the vid for you

That was disapointing for me, I managed to find out how it was done, without having any knowledge in magic...My favourite episode was the one where they got peopel to sign a petition to ban water.

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Postby jessie... » Jul 22nd, '07, 23:40

...My favourite episode was the one where they got peopel to sign a petition to ban water.

It really is a testament of how gullible people are, use big enough words and any one can be confused.

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Postby TheAge » Aug 11th, '07, 03:16

This fellow has done what I believe to be a decent recreation of 'Shadows'.

I too wish to see Teller's original in full.

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Postby rvoice100 » Oct 17th, '07, 21:56

just got back from seeing it, it really is a piece of art!

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Postby Marvo Marky » Oct 19th, '07, 10:42

I haven't seen Penn & Teller for ages!

I remember them captivating me when I was younger. I had an interest in magic but knew very little and I was convinced by some of the explanations.

One explanation I retold for years, until I got into magic and realised that the explanation was so utterly obviously wrong. But so convincing! I cringed at the thought of telling so many people over the years.

Mind you, things haven't changed because I still tell it. It works as a kind of smoke screen now, if you will.

It was an explanation as to how a chosen card could be guessed.
It was simple - In an off-beat moment, Teller fanned the cards, perfectly, towards the camera.
This was only for a split second, but it was enough to allow a computer to glance at every single index in the pack and deduce which card was missing.
Then, the computer transmitted the answer to a huge electronic billboard on the other side of the road.
How simple.

Doh. :?

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Postby kolm » Dec 17th, '07, 16:01

A recent performance by Teller. I can recognise some basic sleights going on here, but it teaches a newcomer like me how good they can look :)

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Postby Magical_Trevor » Dec 17th, '07, 18:02

wow, what an ace trick - have seen the coin production (and am currently learning LOADS more from bobo :lol: ) and have read about the goldfish production in several papers and books...but have never seen a combination performace like that - that woman must have been shocked :-O


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Postby ArcticBanana » Jan 18th, '08, 00:41

I just got a copy of Penn and Teller's Magic Mystery Tour yesterday. Not very much magic from P&T but there is a lot of grate magic history and some excellent performances from local masters in China, India, and Egypt.

And if your looking for a copy of their signature cups and balls trick they preform it in front of the earliest documentation of magic of any kind: Hieroglyphics (I hope I spelled that right) of the cups and balls in an Egyptian tomb.

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"the national magic trick"

Postby snowblader » Jan 27th, '08, 23:00

Ok, an odd question, but how do they do the national magic trick? when all the audience join in and that, do they all use vanishers???? slightly confused on that one. What i love about them, is that the tricks they reveal, a normal person would at least guess how it's done, and knows it, so they may as well show it which in their little way is sooo hilarious and admirable!! Gosh that came out awkwardly! So what method do they vannish and reappear the scarf?

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Postby RedTyke » Jul 5th, '08, 21:07

I was lucky enough to see Penn & Teller live in Las Vegas. This included the double bullet catch....superb.

Was also fortunate enough to meet them both after the show. Actually got a conversation out of Teller. Quitely spoken but he does have a voice!!! Penn is bigger than the fake Eiffel Tower on the strip. Huuuuugggeee.

In my opinion their reveals are very cleverly done and effectively sneaky distraction for the real magic moment. I was baffled!

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Postby Jobasha » Jul 6th, '08, 18:26

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Most of what they reveal

Postby magicmindben » Jul 23rd, '08, 19:36

Most of what they reveal are old, already very exposed tricks.
Only a few of them, as far as I can tell, are wifdely used today.
They also hide the secrets to many tricks.
I watched a video of teller giving a speech about magic. Penn is very humorous, and teller has great slieght-of-hand and showmanship. I think they are both very good magicians.


Postby Mr.Mystery » Sep 7th, '08, 17:45

I think that they are good performers. Anyone that can perform magic as well as they do deserves a certain amount of respect. Also, to anyone who says that they expose magic; they really don't expose anything. The only things that I've ever seen exposed are really old effects that are easy to find anyways. Besides, it's not like any spec will actually remember what they said the next day, unless they saw another magician performing the same effect. But, the odds are the spec will forgetr that they ever saw it and the next time they see a magician perform it they will still be amazed. Of course the only reason I don't condone their exposure is because they perform their effects in an entertaining way and most proffesional magicians expose effects on TV for the purposes of teaching others how to perform the effect. I've seen Criss Angel expose a few tricks and all that the exposure does get others interested in magic.

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Postby Grimshaw » Sep 15th, '08, 13:13

Hang the exposure. Teller is magnificent, and you know the pair of them have the utmost respect for magic.
On youtube there's Teller doing the needles trick that Houdini was famous for.

Just think how he manages to misdirect without using his voice. I'd be lost without mine, lol.

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