Uri Geller - Psychic or sorcerer

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Postby mark lewis » Aug 26th, '10, 21:11

No he isn't. I consider him to be a very decent human being. When he was younger he used to make all sorts of claims but never actually followed through on any of it. So he was not unethical in the slightest. And when he made the claims it was merely "showman's privilege" as Doctor Walford Bodie used to say.

Incidentally Dr Bodie was asked in court why he claimed to be an M.D. when he had no knowledge of medicine whatsoever. He asserted that it was an abbreviation for "Merry Devil"

I think Dr Bodie would have been a man after my own heart.

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Postby Ted » Aug 26th, '10, 22:29

Sarah Jukes wrote:He used to claim to be able to find missing children on milk cartons in the states...
He is an evil nasty POS.

I don't remember that claim. Do you have any links or other references to it? I'd be very grateful.


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Postby mark lewis » Aug 26th, '10, 23:26

I never heard of that either. I would also like to see evidence of it.

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Postby jim ferguson » Aug 27th, '10, 18:04

Hi guys. I could be wrong here but Sarah may be refering to a ''documentary'' that was on a few years back. I cant remember anything about missing children on milk cartons but the oil thing was definetely mentioned. I wrote documentary in inverted commas as, as far as i can remember the programme was totally biased and Uri was not there to defend himself. I have heard many accusations made against Mr Geller, but by the same token i have heard accusations made against many people, other magicians included, the media is full of it. Does this mean its all true ? Who knows, i certanly dont, and unless we know these guys in person its kind of hard to say for sure. As fellow magicians we should see these things as just rumour - especially when any actual proof seems to be absent. My opinion of Uri is the same as when i first saw him on tv - i think he is a fantastic magician

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Postby bazzdante » Oct 15th, '10, 06:16

yep, i think geller is a performer, a modern phsycic (the character). for me, when you choose to prefer on Mentalism, not Mental magic, then you should forget bout Cards routines,
i mean it's okay to play some card trick, but you gotta be sure that trick allows you to not touch the card, maybe twice. cause for now, card is identically with sleight of hands, thats what i get after all this years,,,
when i pull out cards, even after i do all that mentalism effect, audience still see I'm gonna do sleight of hands.

Urri Geller, is great, his character is good, his routine is best, but for this era, he probably should think bout a modern or a very vintage supranatural Mental routine....

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Postby Aero1973 » Oct 24th, '10, 20:40

If you can't do it under controlled conditions then you can't do it, there's no reason why certain 'abilities' should suddenly stop working just because people are watching you carefully. If this was the case then the Olympics would be rubbish :D

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Postby themagicwand » Oct 24th, '10, 23:11

Aero1973 wrote: If this was the case then the Olympics would be rubbish :D

Yeah, but they wouldn't be as bad as the Commonwealth Games.

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Postby icky2k10 » Nov 11th, '10, 01:09

I've never personally met Uri, but I'm leaning more towards sorceror after watching him be a judge in the US series of Phenomenon. This mainly because of two reasons:

1. I don't belive in the paranormal

2. He was giving the contestants advice on their presentational skills. To me this screams out sorceror.

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Postby Gonzo the Great » Nov 25th, '10, 14:08

The "Amazing" Randi did a great job in exposing Gellar.

He's a pseudo-magician & Israeli con-man.

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Postby The_Outlaw » Jan 19th, '11, 03:07

Gonzo the Great wrote:The "Amazing" Randi did a great job in exposing Gellar.

He's a pseudo-magician & Israeli con-man.

Right on!
James Randi completely disproved Uri Gellers claims.
Geller is/was a 'showman', nothing more.

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Postby Jack Blackham » Feb 6th, '11, 22:39

I loved your post! I particularly like how you suggest using surrounding cards to shape the type of wise advisor might be present and how his/her advice might be different.

In my posts for this month, I only focused on the card itself, not how it might be influenced by other cards. This is why tarot is a lifelong journey. There is so much to think about and many ways to approach things.

taneous wrote:I guess I've been reading too much of James Randi and Banachek's stuff, but I'm a skeptic when it comes to anyone claiming to be psychic. That's just my opinion, though. With that bias I'll have to say that Uri Gellar is a good showman, but not the real deal - if there is such a thing. There's a good book by Ben Harris called 'Gellerism Revealed' which exposes much of Geller's stuff.
On the one hand I'm grateful to guys like Gellar cos it makes stuff like spoon bending a lot more believable to the general public, but on the other hand I get angry with them for trying to make people believe that what they do is real. Especially guys like John Edwards who prey on bereaved people.
Once again, though, that's just my opinion..

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Postby Paul Temple » Mar 5th, '11, 10:09

Through out history there have been physics that everone were sure were real. This has never been the case all of them have been caught out. Although some after they had died. Why should Geller be any diffrent?

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Postby tubeway » Mar 5th, '11, 10:58

While I am open minded about psychic abilities - I believe that Uri Gellar is a competent magician who plays on the mentalist angle (in my opinion) a bit too far. He is not the first to do this - some come clean (Kreskin for example) but Gellar has pushed his act beyond that. He is making good money from his act - and he would lose face if he admitted that it is all trickery (and quite a few pounds too).
While I do not agree with what he is doing - he is no different from other TV psychics although he has a different style

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Re: Uri Geller - Psychic or sorcerer

Postby Mandrake » Jul 18th, '13, 23:02

Courtesy of www.magicweek.co.uk:

21.7.13 9pm on Sunday 21st July (1 hour) on BBC 2. The Secret Life of Uri Geller

"Uri Geller, the controversial mentalist, paranormal expert and spoon bender, has had a life in front of the cameras, a life surrounded by controversy, a life dotted with amazing psychic demonstrations. But most people do not know that, away from the bent cutlery and broken watches, he has been leading a second, covert, life as a 'psychic spy', working secretly and without recognition for nearly 30 years. This secret life has included work for military and intelligence agencies on three continents; indeed, the scientists who first did rigorous research on Geller more than 40 years ago (and concluded that he has a phenomenal gift) were funded by the CIA. In this documentary, the intriguing story is explored, with compelling interviews from Uri himself as well as those who knew and worked closely with him."

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Re: Uri Geller - Psychic or sorcerer

Postby Tomo » Jul 19th, '13, 10:57

Mandrake wrote:Courtesy of http://www.magicweek.co.uk" target="_blank:

21.7.13 9pm on Sunday 21st July (1 hour) on BBC 2. The Secret Life of Uri Geller

"Uri Geller, the controversial mentalist, paranormal expert and spoon bender, has had a life in front of the cameras, a life surrounded by controversy, a life dotted with amazing psychic demonstrations. But most people do not know that, away from the bent cutlery and broken watches, he has been leading a second, covert, life as a 'psychic spy', working secretly and without recognition for nearly 30 years. This secret life has included work for military and intelligence agencies on three continents; indeed, the scientists who first did rigorous research on Geller more than 40 years ago (and concluded that he has a phenomenal gift) were funded by the CIA. In this documentary, the intriguing story is explored, with compelling interviews from Uri himself as well as those who knew and worked closely with him."

I look forward to not watching this nonsense with interest...

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