Hey folks,
I wanted to tell you all about some nights I've had recently, but haven't found the time, not a suitable excuese really tho I probaly needn't have an excuse. As the time passed (and I still couldn't find excuse or time), I thought about how such a thing might be actually useful in some sense on this forum. So, here it is.
I'm a newcomer to this whole magic thing, at least in the sense that I got a Paul Daniels magic set for Christmas when I was 5 or something, and never continued. But here I am now having been 'practicing the art' for about 2 months, or pretty much since I joined this forum. I've been buying gimmicks and sh...stuff like nobody's business and anyway that's another thread, maybe. Point is I'm new, and I want to get out there and kick some ass in the magical sense.
To these ends I've read many an inspirational thread on the forum about getting out there and just doing it but hey it's easier said than done yes?
Hence the thread. Ah ha!
Here's a tale from down my local pub...it's happened a few times in similar fashion but I'll stick to one to kick off. And to finish my intro I'll say that the first few times I showed my new tricks and talents to even my girlfriend and family I was shaking like a leaf, nervous as hell about my banter/patter...etc.
The thread:So, I have taken all opportunities to 'tool up' in the last months and go walk about either round to my friends houses, or down the pub, but everywhere I go I always have one trick at least set up and ready to go in one of my pockets. My nerves didn't leave me when I tried this method, I just got more nervous about waiting for the right moment. Sometimes it never happens and you just gotta leave it, but when it does it's great, and this is a story about that.
I tooled up and went down to the local drinking establishment in a very very very very small village where everyone knows me and I know everyone, but lo there were 2 random folk who it turns out I ought to know but didn't. The guy asks "So, what do you do...?"
I see my moment! I pull a deck of card from my pocket...
He says "Ohh, you're a magician!?" with no prompting...I jump on the chance and say "Well, yes I am!" tho I did admit I was new to the scene and just practicing and would they mind if I did a few tricks. Of course they were delighted and more than keen.
At this point I feel I should mention that being new to the scene I assumed that if you weren't a member of the magic circle, had the most expensive gimmicks, or were no good at sleight of hand you were no good and needed to brush up on at least two of the above. However on the night in question I had been on here enough to be getting the idea that this wasn't actually true.
So to continue, I proceeded to kick off with a lovely one that I just learned where I offer them both a random card each, get them to say stop at any time when I deal out the cards face down, and lo they match their respective opposite cards, thus proving them the perfect match in life (you had to be there and hear the banter!) but you get the idea. It was that easy, they were so impressed they were well up for more and totally in the mood. So I proceeded with a few other very basic self working tricks I could do with a standard deck and I kid you not, by the end of it I got a free drink and the both of them were saying ...(get ready)... "Hey you're just like that dynamo guy off the TV". I kid you not.
The tricks: (as well as I remember the names)
Match.com - also known as a million other things and a very easy self worker afore mentioned.
Your card is the only one reversed in the pack (without an ID)
'What card is in the box?' (Mr. Cat) taken from Mark Watson book, place two cards back to back in a card box, take one out in clear view, slip it in your pocket, ask someone what card...and they are right, do it a second time and it turns out they're wrong...They also asked to see my pocket which worked out well too
There have been a few other nights at friends houses where I've gone tooled up, chosen my moment and sprung out some tricks. Believe me I've some mates you would classify as 'tough crowd!" i.e. let me see that, oh they're your cards, can you do that again with my deck of cards and so on. However, everything has gone more amazingly than I could have imagined.
I'm not saying it's easy, but I am saying it's not as tough as you think to be not necessarily a 'professional', but still someone that can wow even your family with more ease than you could imagine.
I could prattle on for hours about why and how and my philosophy which would bore you all pant-less, but I won't
I'll just add;
The way I felt before: I'm the dude who knows three tricks instead of one...
Keen-ness to go out and rock it up in a tooled up fashion at any time: 3 to 4 out of 10 - nervous.
The way I feel now: This is brilliant. I only know some pretty basic effects and I've blown people away!
Keen-ness to go out and rock it up in a tooled up fashion at any time: 7.5 out of 10 - keen as! (need more practice to be truly perfect, if that's ever possible, but hey I'm having fun)
The way I'm thinking: Wow, when I start to get some real practice in, this is going to be amazing!
I wanted to write and ask for anyone new to share similar stories. Have you just been at it a few months or less or more, have you been out, nervous as hell and pulled it out the bag in true magic glory? Or even just had a good night if you wanna play it down a bit? Tell us where you went, what tricks you used and how folk reacted. I'd love to hear from you. Help everyone else be cooler.
I'm not saying it's easy, I'm not saying it's hard, but I will say; ... Talk, make it your own, and you shall prevail
Maybe I just got lucky, lots of times, but I think not. I think you can (and likely do) have stories like these the moment you step out the door and do your most basic tricks the moment you feel you've nailed them and have made them your own. It doesn't matter where you learned them, how basic you may think they are, just go do it and then tell me/us how it went.
Appologies for any other-lengthy repetitions and rabbitations. It's habbit forming. And they breed like hell. This may have been done before too but hey, here's a new version you've not seen before