Endless hankerchief

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Endless hankerchief

Postby Wolfofweststreet » Oct 6th, '18, 12:22

Hello! This isn’t really a trick I Spose but ! I’m trying to do that thing where you pull an endless hankerchief out of your sleeve . I bought a 50 foot silk streamer from a magic supplies website and it’s really nice ! But I can’t figure out where you hide the bundle of silk ! I tried in my pocket but it sort of gets caught around itself. Hope this is the appropriate place to ask this sort of thing. -any advice gratefully received !

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Re: Endless hankerchief

Postby Mandrake » Oct 6th, '18, 21:37

Not sure if there is just one way of doing this effect but I suspect various methods may be found in the classic magic books.

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Re: Endless hankerchief

Postby MrCat » Oct 16th, '18, 13:44

I've just scanned thru the silk section in Mark Wilson, but right enough there's nothing about that effect. I'm not quite sure how I'd do it tho perhaps if you had the right clothes you couls start at yorr deasired sleeve end, up to just before shoulder and back down and up giving 3 arm lenghts with no tangle risk so far, then you could go down and up both legs haha but it might get a bit awkward tugging at it, but worth some experimentation I guess, off the top of my hea, you get another 3 arms length before you did the trousers on the opposite arm maybe.

Perhaps if you concealed the whole spool inside a jacket lining you could access to replace it you could perhaps make it spin relatively freely on a small dowel or something thru the middle...maybe easier still if you intend a well behave audience member to tug at it :D

I've had to tamper with a few items of clothing over the years, it's really satisfying when you nail it haha.

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Re: Endless hankerchief

Postby TonyB » May 7th, '19, 02:40

Concertina fold the streamer in your pocket and it should not tangle.

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