ESP cards

Struggling with an effect? Any tips (without giving too much away!) you'd like to share?

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Re: ESP cards

Postby Mandrake » Jul 16th, '19, 22:38

An excellent post!! Perhaps using a deck of Bikes might make participants think 'card trick' but ESP cards would be accepted as being a scientific tool therefore trustworthy.

As always, the presentation is key to acceptance and suspension of disbelief. As Canadian magish Peter Marucci once said, 'Anyone who thinks the magic is in the props should try taking a piano apart and look for the music'.

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Re: ESP cards

Postby magicofthemind » Jul 17th, '19, 12:08

Rhine's ESP cards were designed to be uninteresting - completely neutral with no emotional connotations. It's what you do with them that makes them interesting. I personally wouldn't attempt to attach unintended meanings to them; I have several other packs of specialist cards for that.


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