Now free: Roberto Giobbi’s Introduction to Card Magic

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Now free: Roberto Giobbi’s Introduction to Card Magic

Postby EndersGame » Aug 13th, '19, 02:44

Here's a great opportunity. Roberto Giobbi has just updated his excellent 150+ page book, "Introduction to Card Magic", which was first published in 2012, and sold for €9.95. For a limited time, he's making the newly revised version available as a free download from his website! Get it here:

For those not familiar with Roberto Giobbi, he's one of the most highly respected teachers in card magic, and author of the famous Card College series. The e-book is completely free (for now), but if you like the book and want to give Mr Giobbi a thank you, you can do so via PayPal using the "Donate" link on page 154 of the book.


This e-book is a must-have for anyone learning card magic. It originated as a course in the basic fundamentals of card magic, and teaches essential card handling skills like shuffling, cuts, and some basic sleights and flourishes, as well as half a dozen card tricks. It also has lots of accompanying photos, plus embedded links that take you to youtube videos featuring Giobbi demonstrating the techniques taught in the written text.

I've been doing card magic for a couple of decades, but I still learned a lot by working systematically through this book. Bill Evans, a former president of The International Brotherhood of Magicians described this book as "It is the best beginning instructional course in card magic that I have ever seen!" I highly recommend it, and get it while you can!


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Re: Now free: Roberto Giobbi’s Introduction to Card Magic

Postby magicofthemind » Aug 13th, '19, 09:14

I have a copy of the 2012 edition. Has much changed?


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Re: Now free: Roberto Giobbi’s Introduction to Card Magic

Postby EndersGame » Aug 13th, '19, 09:46

magicofthemind wrote:I have a copy of the 2012 edition. Has much changed?


Well the revised 2019 version is free (for a limited time), so you can pick it up for yourself to compare them.

I don't think the changes are significant. It's mainly some re-arranging of material, updating some dead links, and overall polishing with some cosmetic improvements. So it makes sense to grab the latest edition, since it's the best version yet.

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Re: Now free: Roberto Giobbi’s Introduction to Card Magic

Postby mark lewis » Aug 14th, '19, 10:26

It looks good. PIty I detest e-books so much!

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Re: Now free: Roberto Giobbi’s Introduction to Card Magic

Postby EndersGame » Aug 19th, '19, 06:01

I've just posted a detailed review of this great e-book elsewhere in the forums here:

Review: Roberto Giobbi's Introduction to Card Magic

Definitely pick up this great resource while you have the chance to get it at no cost, and send Mr Giobbi a thank you while you're doing so! :)


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Re: Now free: Roberto Giobbi’s Introduction to Card Magic

Postby EndersGame » Aug 31st, '19, 07:23

The person to thank isn't me, but Roberto Giobbi.

If you picked up his e-book, consider sending him a quick email ( or a message via his website to thank him personally. Or make a small donation via the PayPal link on page 154 in the e-book.

I'm sure he'd welcome hearing from people how much this has been appreciated - it is a terrific book with outstanding content!


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