Hello and Hej!

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Hello and Hej!

Postby Ringo » Dec 28th, '19, 17:14

Hi everyone,

Joined today even though I've been meaning to for years. I'm a 41 year old Mentalist based in Stockholm, Sweden although I was born and lived in the UK for the first 20 years of my life. Mentalism is my full-time career and I work 70% in the corporate sector and 30% for the general public. I do mostly stage work for large audiences with the occasional cocktail/mingle party thrown in too. My niché is mentalism showcasing Spiritualism, séance and Victorian spirit theatre although I perform clean mindreading shows too. I perform in Swedish but sometimes an International client wants a show in English so I get to practice mentalism in my mother tongue.

I don't tend to post loads on Forums as I prefer to read and only speak when I have something to say (instead of just trying to get a good post count). But I look forward to sharing my knowledge and learning new stuff. I'm here to get inspiration and to use the forum as a sounding board.

So Hello and Hej from Sweden.

All the best,

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Re: Hello and Hej!

Postby Mandrake » Dec 30th, '19, 02:26

Hi and welcome to TM!

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Re: Hello and Hej!

Postby moonbeam » Dec 30th, '19, 23:19

Hi and welcome to TM :)

If we can sue McDonalds for making us fat and cigarette companies for giving us cancer; why can't we sue Smirnoff for all the ugly gits we've sh*gged ??
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Re: Hello and Hej!

Postby Ringo » Jan 5th, '20, 13:15

Thanks Mandrake and Moonbeam.

I've been browsing around but I'm sad to say that there isn't anybody here. It's hard to join in a conversation by yourself and there's not much to comment on when 90% is off limits and the rest are comments from 5 years ago.


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Re: Hello and Hej!

Postby Mandrake » Jan 5th, '20, 17:29

It's true that things are 'quiet' to say the least but that seems to be the trend for bulletin boards. It's a bit ofca chicken and egg thing, which comes first: the topics to discuss or the members to discuss them?

As for the hidden areas, there's nothing earth shatttering in there, certainly less than 90%, but what there is has produced some very workable and commercially successful magic so we restrict access to proven long term members with at least 50 valid posts. It's a rough and ready process but it has served us well for many years.

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Re: Hello and Hej!

Postby Ringo » Jan 5th, '20, 18:15

Understood and quite rightly so.

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