Escapology books

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Escapology books

Postby Aza » Dec 11th, '12, 19:25

I've done some searching but couldn't find a definitive resource.

I want to do handcuff/straitjacket/rope escapes for my own personal pleasure!! :lol:

Any good books I can start with?

Much love


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Re: Escapology books

Postby magicdiscoman » Dec 11th, '12, 20:59


Re: Escapology books

Postby Lawrence » Dec 12th, '12, 09:10

Why books?

If DVDs would be better try these

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Re: Escapology books

Postby kevmundo » Dec 12th, '12, 09:42

Aza wrote:I've done some searching but couldn't find a definitive resource.

I want to do handcuff/straitjacket/rope escapes for my own personal pleasure!! :lol:

Any good books I can start with?

Much love


It took me over four years to escape from my ex-wife. I reckon even Houdini couldn't match an escape that difficult. PM me and I'll tell you how I did it!!! :lol:

K ;)

P.S you gotta invite me to any public escapes!!!! 8)

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Re: Escapology books

Postby TonyB » Dec 16th, '12, 22:21

Lawrence wrote:Why books?

Because books go into so much more detail and contain so much more information.

Because books give you methods and ideas, not presentations to slavishly follow.

Because some of us don't own DVD players.

I could go on...

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Re: Escapology books

Postby Jing » Dec 17th, '12, 13:22

Can't recommend any books, but I second the Dixie Dooley Escapology DVDs - I get the whole set on eBay kinda cheap a while back.
Saying all that, I don't do a lot of escapology, but I think it's interesting and can add some variety to a full show.
I know some people think 'it's not magic' but in a full show I don't want to do just magic. I want to do magic plus some other things too, just to balance the evening, so it's not trick, trick, trick, trick, trick, etc...

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Re: Escapology books

Postby magicofthemind » Dec 18th, '12, 11:20

As no-one else has been able to come up with a book, I'll suggest "Houdini on Magic" by Walter Gibson (Dover). This includes a fair amount of escape material and much more besides. There's also "Houidni's Escapes", by the same author, but I haven't read it. I imagine there's some overlap.


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Re: Escapology books

Postby bmat » Dec 18th, '12, 18:44

If you type escapeology books in google, there are plenty of hits. Find a trusted magic shop and type escape into the search engine and you will find a plethora of escape material, (few books in this day and age I'm afraid).

Just remember when you are practicing, tend to do so with a trusted friend just in case. Do not practice while your brother is around...that didn't...errr doesn't end well.

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Re: Escapology books

Postby Aza » Dec 18th, '12, 18:58

I did that bmat, but as with magic there are so many books and did not know where to start!! And everybody has been helpful! Ill practice with somebody, probably not trustworthy but it'll be ok, ill learn to escape faster!! :lol:

Much love


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Re: Escapology books

Postby bmat » Dec 20th, '12, 16:42

Aza wrote:I did that bmat, but as with magic there are so many books and did not know where to start!! And everybody has been helpful! Ill practice with somebody, probably not trustworthy but it'll be ok, ill learn to escape faster!! :lol:

Much love



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Re: Escapology books

Postby jigger0607 » May 1st, '20, 03:58

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