Difficult to say what I have performed MOST, as I haven't kept count.
However, I would take a guess at:
- Svengali Cards
- Cups & Balls
- Dynamic Coins
Nope, I have never worked for Marvins Magic. These were all from the Paul Daniels range (marketed by Dubreq?). I was working from 14yo at Weekends, in a Joke & Magic Shop in Greenwich, South London during the late 1970's to 1981.
The shop was owned by a real character - Dave Demont Falcon. Dave had worked himself, as a youngster, in Tony Corinda's shop in Tottenham Court Road.
As Dave said to me when he took me on - "nothing is better than a youngster demming magic. It proves to the adults watching that they must also be able to do the tricks". Good psychology I guess. This provided a fantastic starting point for gaining experience of handling audiences, other than just friends and family.
It also gave me tremendous experience of how to hustle. As Greenwich is a tourist area (for The Cutty Sark and The Observatory) there was a never-ending stream of people coming into the shop. The amount of times each day that I said "these are the last dozen......when they're gone, they're gone". Quite surprisingly (or maybe not!) I always managed to forget about the extra cartons of products in the store room. "The cards are £1.50, the cups are also £1.50 and the coins are £6. All three tricks and change from a tenner.......who wants the last of 'em" (as I put a limited pile of each) on the counter.
As an aside, I also used to do the phone ordering for jokes, masks and novelties. I think the company that I used to call was in North West London or Watford area - and was owned by a relative of Tommy Cooper? They always used to try and push some complete tat onto the order though!
Happy Days indeed.
Moving on.
Although I don't know how often as in exact numbers but the tricks that have been 'stayers' for over 40 years are:
- Elmsley 4 Card Trick
- Edward Victor's E Y E
- Peter Kane's Gypsy's Curse
- Sponge Balls - Ken Brooke's routine
- Coins Thru Table (no lapping) - Pat Page
- Torn & Restored Cigarette Paper
- Card to Wallet - Pat Page wallet and routine
- Roped In - Cut & Restored Rope routine of Joe Riding
- Irish 3 Card Trick - Joe Riding
- I'll Start Again - Paddle routine of Jimmy Rodgers
- Devano Rising Cards - Lewis Ganson routine
- Egg Bag - Ken Brooke routine
All of these effects are still the current content of my working act.
Card tricks - many too numerous to mention but mostly from The Royal Road to Card Magic.
Types of cards used - everything and anything; irrespective of whether the box says Waddingtons, Piatnik, Bicycle or Tally-Ho, etc. To me, a pack of cards is a pack of bleedin' playing cards; albeit I do prefer Bridge size.
Another Trick that went over well but I'm no longer doing, as times have changed - cigarette in jacket (using a T.T. of course).
Sorry if the list is too long!