Who runs this place now?

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Who runs this place now?

Postby Barry Allen » Apr 20th, '24, 09:51

Because it begs the question - have they just given up?

If so, it's a sad legacy for the memory of Mandrake, who ran it for years. :(

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Re: Who runs this place now?

Postby magicofthemind » Apr 21st, '24, 09:47

Is there still a list owner paying for hosting and domain, or will it simply go offline when payments next become due?

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Re: Who runs this place now?

Postby Barry Allen » Apr 21st, '24, 12:55

Haven't a clue dear chap.

The silence is truly deafening, isn't it.

Suffice to say that my idea to email everyone listed as members; in the hope of at least raising some interest from maybe 5%-10% of people; appears to have never been actioned.

Such a shame that a forum, that Mandrake clearly was passionate about, just appears to have been left to rot. As I mentioned above, it's not much of a legacy for him, is it.

Why can't anyone be arsed to do anything these days? :evil:

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Re: Who runs this place now?

Postby Barry Allen » May 19th, '24, 17:45

As it's now 19 days into May 2024, I'm just adding this post to at least keep the month alive.

Absolutely pointless I know.

Does anyone know who is actually in charge of this place now.....only I have an idea that may help to regenerate it. :roll:

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