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PostPosted: Jul 9th, '03, 11:17
by jabba01

Has anyone bought this system yet. I am now down to my last two loops, and I cant really see the point of forking out just for five at a time.


PostPosted: Jul 9th, '03, 11:45
by seige

I have been after this for a while, and something has come to light...

There is only one US dealer who has the EXCLUSIVE rights to sell this as we speak. I won't mention the name, but I think you know who I mean.

I left an order with another dealer for about 3 weeks, and nothing arrived. This is the reason...

Anyway, since learning about the system, it's become a mission of mine to do similar - and my result? Digging out my Ammar thread miracle videos, I've decided to follow in Mog's footsteps and 'DIY'.

Elastic thread is available to the public via dressmakers/hoisery manufacturers - so I'll keep you posted.

TIES? Nah... SELMS... Seige's Elastic Loop Making System... and from early quotes, it seems that it's about 1/10th the cost.

Yet another thing to add to my list of things to do for this forum!!!