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PostPosted: Jul 10th, '08, 01:31
by James Munton

James, old chap..........I said your lecture notes were superb!

Thank you Roger. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it.

PostPosted: Jul 10th, '08, 02:02
by fstarsinic
James Munton wrote:Why is it nobody can say something nice about my lecture notes without plugging their own bloody book?


Would you expect anything different from Jolly Roger? :)

PostPosted: Jul 10th, '08, 02:45
by Jolly Roger
Would you expect anything different from Jolly Roger?

Very perceptive, Frank! You may want to go to Frank's wonderful website and and click on this link:


PostPosted: Jul 10th, '08, 03:07
by James Munton
Well despite the glowing reviews of my book on this thread, I haven't received a single order.

I think Roger and Mark have scared all the nice, sane people away. The only people still paying attention to this thread are the nut-jobs.

PostPosted: Jul 10th, '08, 03:34
by Jolly Roger
The only people still paying attention to this thread are the nut-jobs

James.............I think you need to be very cautious about calling people on here "nut-jobs". You are welcome to call me and Mark nut-jobs, because we are. Possibly Frank is as well. However, there could be some potential customers on here, who are normal people, so it is my recommendation that you refrain from insulting them! :roll: JR

PostPosted: Jul 10th, '08, 04:16
by James Munton
"Nut-job" is an absolute compliment in my book. It's almost the highest praise I can bestow on someone.

PostPosted: Jul 10th, '08, 04:56
by mark lewis
I must say that Munton is being extremely ungrateful to Roger and I for blatantly plugging his book and risking the wrath of the moderators here. James may not know this but advertising one's wares is somewhat frowned on here.

It is perfectly true as Roger says that our respective books have not yet been written. However I have written a most masterful piece of work named "Wit and Wisdom of Mark Lewis" that some twit from Yorkshire here gave a most scathing and disgraceful review to just because he didn't like the author.

However help is at hand. Allen Tipton promised to give my book a more objective review but hasn't got around to it yet. Once he has dealt with mine I shall send him straight over to Munton.

Incidentally my book is far cheaper than James's and has 140 pages compared to his mere 60. That of course is why he is rich and I am poor.

Of course my book has lots of wasted words but as I keep saying Munton's book has very few. All except the nose emission remarks of course.

PostPosted: Jul 10th, '08, 04:59
by mark lewis
Since James is moaning that I and Roger have not got him a single sale despite our sterling efforts I would suggest he puts one trick from his book here as a free sample. Not the nose emission one since I consider such remarks to be quite disgusting but one of the other tricks would do splendidly.

Once people see how practical and good the trick is then he may get better results than I have been able to give him.

PostPosted: Jul 10th, '08, 06:14
by Jolly Roger
On further examination of the Munton 60 page large print epic, I have to say that I find the first few pages, which include no tricks or secrets, to be highly commendable. All I can say without revealing too much, is that they involve the secret service, fire, Guantanamo Bay, a wallet full of money, and the Vice President of the United states of America. This account, alone, is worth the price of the lecture notes.

For your information, my book will be published in hardback, and I am expecting an introductory price of around $50 plus shipping. JR

PostPosted: Jul 10th, '08, 10:53
by mark lewis
I really think it is most disgraceful that Roger has come on to this thread
bragging about his book when we are supposed to be talking about James's tome.

You don't see me bragging about my upcoming book, "The Lives of a Showman coming out in May 2009. It will describe my career and all the people I met along the way. At present I am writing about how I was there right at the start of the war in Northern Ireland. I deny suggestions that it was me that started it. At present I am writing pages and pages about riots, bombs and bullets. I had to phone up Londonderry yesterday to check if the hotel the army forced me to stay in was still there. Alas it is now a bus station.

The book is written for the public rather than for magicians who will no doubt enjoy it as well.

I shall give Jolly Roger a paragraph or so in the book telling how he reprimanded some poor innocent scientologist for smoking when he was supposed to be watching Roger do the svengali deck.

I am afraid Munton won't be in the book since he makes enough money as it is.

PostPosted: Jul 10th, '08, 12:12
by Andyb
Is there anyone else who is reading ths post and feeling as though they are trapped in a four way schizophrenic converstation between one person???
Strangely alluring but also quite creepy! :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :?

PostPosted: Jul 11th, '08, 11:33
by Spellbinder
You people should all be getting ready to go to James' lecture this evening (7/11/08 , at the Falls Church Community Center, 223 Little Falls Street, Falls Church, VA ... according to my wonderful Calendar of Magic Lectures on my site: )

Of course that lecture will be erased from the calendar by tomorrow, unless James gets on the ball and starts booking some more, but there are plenty of other lectures to choose from. While you're on my site, you can see some of MY books, not that I'd stoop to advertising on this forum. I just mention it in passing.

PostPosted: Jul 11th, '08, 16:05
by mark lewis
And of course Spellbinder had a hand in my great Opus "The Wit and Wisdom of Mark Lewis". Not that I would dream of advertising it here of course. After all we are all gathered here to talk about Munton's book concerning paying bills or something. I forget what the book was about since I haven't actually read it.

PostPosted: Jul 12th, '08, 14:05
by James Munton
The lecture was quite wonderful, of course.

I sold a good number of lecture notes and sold a bunch of Three Card Bunnies!

I spent a little too long on the first couple of tricks and had to rush through some of the others. I'll fix that for future lectures. One of the hits of the evening was my version of the book test that I detail in my lecture notes.

Anyway, a big thanks to all the wonderful magicians of DC, MD and VA who came out to watch the lecture!


PostPosted: Jul 12th, '08, 15:15
by mark lewis
There. I think we have pushed the envelope enough advertising James Munton when we aren't supposed to be doing so. I get a vibe that we had better leave it at that.

However I exhort our readers to look at James' signature and click on to that abratube thing of his. He makes no money out of it and I consider it to be a service to magic. You will forgive him anything once you go and have a look at it. No longer will you have to watch acne ridden teenagers doing awful card tricks on Youtube.

James has sorted the wheat from the chaff and it will save a lot of time for all of you.