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PostPosted: May 23rd, '03, 09:36
by Mandrake

My original Dynamic Coins (old style large 5p version, now only fit for use with US quarters!) came from the Paul Daniels collection several millennia ago and one of the tips he gave to age the edges was to rub cigarette ash on them. Smelly process and probably not the most tasteful way of doing it!

PostPosted: May 23rd, '03, 10:04
by bananafish
I thought US quarters and the english 10p were pretty much the same size?

I have a UK and US version (for my up coming trip to the states - did I mention that already :D ) - and they seem pretty much identical. In fact I was a little disappointed as I was expecting the edges of the US coin stack to include the brass that is found in the edges of US quarters - at the moment placing a quarter on top isn't very relastic at all.

I think I will follow seiges advice about antiquing the edges.

PostPosted: May 23rd, '03, 10:12
by seige
Hmm... a quarter definately looks wrong on my 10p stack...

And also... how come modern coins don't tarnish like the old ones? Answers on a digital postcard...

PostPosted: May 23rd, '03, 10:39
by Mandrake
US (and Canadian) Quarters and the old UK 5p were the same size which meant a lot of US tricks could be 'translated'. Not so any more and the new-ish smaller 10p isn't the same size as the old 5p either.

PostPosted: May 23rd, '03, 10:55
by seige
My Dynamics is a specific 'UK 10p' version - and I notice that there's a specific quarter version.

I wonder why they don't just press a fake coin on the top of the stack???
It would look a lot better.

PostPosted: May 23rd, '03, 11:36
by Mandrake
It would certainly help the stack look more natural if the top coin is slightly off centre. It's the sort of thing which might be possible to have machined on by an engraver/forgerer. I'll go practice with my trusty Dremil!

PostPosted: May 23rd, '03, 11:42
by nickj
You can get a more expensive version where the stack is loose, each coin will move a little bit in any direction making the stack look more real. I think you still need to provide a coin for the top though.

PostPosted: May 23rd, '03, 11:58
by seige

Please PM or Email me with details... this is an all-time favourite, and I'd love a 'posh' version.


If you have any luck with the Dremel, let me know... especially in the £2 coin copying department (I could do with about 1/2million...)


PostPosted: May 23rd, '03, 12:26
by magicdiscoman
:lol: nick please mail me too :lol:

mine came in a marvin magic set (executive).

now too tarnished to use (loose too).
cheers jason.

PostPosted: May 23rd, '03, 12:39
by bananafish

I'd be interested to know where to get the 'posh' version too.


PostPosted: May 23rd, '03, 12:44
by Mandrake
I'll do my best with the £2 coins but I have a shameful confession - mine isn't really a Dremell - it's the B&Q version which was about £70 cheaper! On this basis, will carry on filing down this 50p coin to make a 10p for the coffee machine. If I had a brain, I'd be extremely dangerous.

PostPosted: May 23rd, '03, 13:01
by seige
Please keep your offcuts from the 50p and post them to me... I've been doing the same with 20p's (converting them to 10p's for the coffee machine)

Back to thread...
I wonder how far back the Dynamic Coin trick goes? What coins were used in the first edition???

Any insight?

PostPosted: May 23rd, '03, 13:08
by magicdiscoman
:lol: romans possibly :lol:

i remember that small bloke from time team showing of a woden pot used by roman magicians to change stacks of coins :?: :?:

also something similar from a old chineese history book :?: :?:

though the chineese one was more of a tube (something to do with the hole).

cant say more walls have ears :wink:

PostPosted: May 23rd, '03, 13:50
by Mandrake
:wink: At long last - Baldrick gets a mention!!! :wink:

You realise, of course, that this will open up a brand new genre (what?) and thread of postings- Mucky Magic!! Await the Appearing and Disappearing Turnip, The Ambitious Turnip, The Turnip Through Debbie McGee, and the all time favourite - The Turnip Muscle Pass (I wonder how high that one will go?


PostPosted: May 23rd, '03, 13:53
by seige
I think Paul Daniels has already done the 'Turnip through Debbie McGee'.

