The Origional Kolossal Killer-Review

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The Origional Kolossal Killer-Review

Postby Ed » Nov 23rd, '06, 22:59

First of let me say that this is going to be my first review of any kind, and I choose this trick becasue it is such an unbelivable trick, and I want you all to know how good it actually is. so here it goes.....

THE EFFECT - A spectator names any card that he or she wants (no force), she can even change her mind as many times as she wants, and when she has her mind mad up, you prove to her that you knew what card she was thinking of by taking out your unkimmicked wallet and pull a single playing card which is the card that she was thinking off!

BOOKLET - The 16 page booklet that you recieve is very well writen. It explains every thing in great detail, it also comes with one routine for you to use with Kolossal killer. So I give the book a 10/10.

METHOD - First of all, when I first heard of this trick I was like no way, how is that possible? And When I got the trick I was a little disapointed at first but I read the book, and I tried it out and it got the best reactions ever. So dont judge the trick right away becasue of the method.
Anyways, the method is a very good one, I would of never thought of it in a million years, its that good. There is one set up that you have to do which is when you first get the trick. The set up isnt hard to do at all, it took me about 4 min. at the most, but once you set up the trick, your done and there is no more set up ever again!!!! There is a catch to it though, it might not work with the wallet that you have, but chances are it will, I have 6 or seven wallets that I got over the years and it would of worked with any one of them.
The only thing that I dont like about this trick is that you cant hand out the wallet for examination. but chances of a person wanting to exam your wallet are slim to none. I give the method a 9/10 only because of the examining of the wallet part.

SENARIO- In the trick kolossal killer, there are 2 senario's for the trick, and each one is as good. [remainder deleted for exposure]

CLEAN UP- There isnt a real cleanup all that you have to do is put the card back in the wallet and your set to do it again to someone else! So I gave the clean up a 10/10

ROUTINE INCLUDED WITH BOOKLET - The routine that is included with the booklet is a very good routine, I absolutly love it, its called "Truly Invisible" the effect is that basically you hand an ID to a spectator and have her discard the black cards or red cards, and then have them discard one of the suites (ex. if they choose black to discard then they choose either diamonds or hearts to discard) then finally you have them reach in the middle of the suite that remains and pull out one card, and you name the card that they pulled out. the routine is very good like I said, but the downside is that the routine is not always 100 percent but with kolossal killer it most certainly is! I use the routine that came with the booklet all the time, and at the end were I name the card they they just thought of im right 8 out of ten times, but when im wrong I then suprise them by they telling me what card they did indeed thought of and me pulling out that card out of my wallet. SO I gave the extra routine a 9/10 because like I said when you name the card your not always right.

Hear are some final pros and cons of the trick kolossal killer

very easy to do
no sleight of hand
instant reset
uses no gimmicks
you can carry it around every were you go
you can still use the wallet as a normal everyday wallet
extra routine is devistating

wallet isnt examinable
not every wallet will work
extra routine might not work when you name the card (it will still work because you have them name the card then and you pull it out of your wallet.)

OVERALL- this is a very good trick that is not hard to do at all. it will take you maybe an hour to master it and then you can start performing it right away. and when you do the trick to the specators they will be completly baffled becasuse the walllet was sitting next to you the whole entire time so there was no way that you could of loaded the wallet with a card after they name the thought of card.
Also when I read the description of the trick and it said that there is no loading or palming or any sleights at all, I was completly shocked becasue there was no explanation of how it could of worked with out any sleight of hand. This is one of hte best tricks ever, it has such a simple method yet the trick will completly floor the spectators.
Kolossal killer is more than a trick to me, to me kolossal killer is also a utility prop in a way because when you need an out for a tirck you have kolossal killer to depend on, or when you have those hecklers who try to ruin your trick by grabbing the deck from you and mix them themselves or when they lie about a card they picked, you have kolossal killer to completly floor them.
I will always carry kolossal killer with me from now on, until the day I die. the best thing about it is that it isnt big and bulky like some tricks, its just an ordianary wallet and thats it.
Dont overlook this trick, you should get it right away it wont dissappoint you one bit. it is such an amazing trick to have becasue of like I stated above for you being able to use it as outs for other tricks. so dont sit and think about wether or not you wanna get it, just get it because it will become one of your new favorite tricks.

OVERALL: 100/1000
I hope you guys liked the review and I hope it answered some of the questions that you might of had about this trick. comments are welcomed.

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Postby Lownatic » Nov 24th, '06, 01:42

Only 100/1000 ? Thats just 1/10 !

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Postby copyright » Nov 24th, '06, 02:45

Only 100/1000 ? Thats just 1/10 !

I'd give it at least 3/10.

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Postby i1011i » Nov 26th, '06, 22:46

To the average magician, I would give this 5/10.

But to a seasoned mental magic professional, 9.9/10

It is an amazing effect if you know how to handle it through and through.

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Postby ElliottB » Nov 28th, '06, 04:25

This is an interesting effect. Many absolutely love it, while others hate it. Then there’s a large contingent of folks who are somewhat lukewarm about it. I won’t say exactly where I stand. Still, you don’t see many other effects that generate such varied opinions. Most often, the majority of folks sway in either one direction or the other (good or bad). This one’s different.

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Postby Mandrake » Nov 28th, '06, 13:27

There's more on KK on the Review at ... sal+killer

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Postby magicofthemind » Nov 28th, '06, 19:33

I use KK all the time; it never fails to impress - even magicians who haven't seen it before. In fact, I liked it so much that I contributed to the follow up book, Killer Konceptions.


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Postby bronz » Jan 14th, '07, 11:16

To add to this, I got hold of the original pamphlet yesterday and it looks lovely. Unfortunately I happen to have the only wallet in the world that won't work, but I'm sure with a couple of minutes searching I'll be able to find one.

As an out I imagine it'd be just as strong as an ID, and even easier to do. Not really sure why anyone wouldn't like this especially as (as someone in the other thread pointed out) if you're slightly wrong it makes the effet even better!

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Postby Mrbuster » Jun 22nd, '11, 03:58

Why did Ed give it such a bad rating?

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Postby Dar_Kwan » Jul 3rd, '11, 13:48

My guess is that the 100/1000 is a typo & it was supposed to be 100/100 but maybe ed'll come on and clear it up for us as is confused.

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Re: The Origional Kolossal Killer-Review

Postby artychris » Dec 7th, '11, 02:00

This seems to be one of my most used tricks this year... mainly because it's always with me...

It's got some amazing reactions! Especially as it is repeatable (not the same day though...)

I think that the more I put into it and streamlining my performance, the better it is!

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