X-Ray by Ben Harris

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X-Ray by Ben Harris

Postby Chris Black » Aug 31st, '11, 13:14

Couldn't see this reviewed anywhere on here so I thought I'd have a stab.

The Effect

The Magician turns his back/looks away and the spectator cuts the deck takes the next card, remembers it and returns it to the deck face up, replacing the top half of the deck back on top.

The spectator then returns the deck to the bicycle box and closes the lid.

The Magician then turns back to the spectator and is able to identify the chosen card and furthermore locate the cards exact position in the deck. The spectator can than remove the deck and count down to the chosen card meaning that the magician never actually touched the deck at all.


I paid £10 s/h




The effect is brilliant. The key to this trick is explained thoroughly in the text with a few different methods offered, including references to the magicians whose work was used or inspired Harris.

I opened a packet of bicycle cards and applied my learning and when I first tried the trick, alone in my living room, I astonished myself. I was taken aback about how well it works and could only imagine the affect on someone who hadn't a clue.


A relatively clean and very easy method to deliver a stunning effect that is brilliant for the price - and ideal for a newbie such as myself as no sleights are required.

I love it and have adapted the 'method' described to many other tricks.

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Re: X-Ray by Ben Harris

Postby Mr_Grue » Aug 31st, '11, 14:33

X-Ray's by Steve Shufton.

Simon Scott

If the spectator doesn't engage in the effect,
then the only thing left is the method.

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Re: X-Ray by Ben Harris

Postby Chris Black » Aug 31st, '11, 14:37

Correct - It was the idea for the effect that was Harris's and Steve Shufton created the illusion. Apols.

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Re: X-Ray by Ben Harris

Postby Mr_Grue » Aug 31st, '11, 14:48

You should be able to change it.

Also, I couldn't find this using the onsite search function, but it has been reviewed before here: sutra406649.php

Simon Scott

If the spectator doesn't engage in the effect,
then the only thing left is the method.

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