Self Tying Shoelace

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Self Tying Shoelace

Postby BassFace » Jul 6th, '06, 09:58

This is my first review, and based on its succes I might write more :wink:

The Effect

Walk down a busy street with your shoe untied. Complete strangers will INTERRUPT you to tell you your shoe is untied EVERY FEW SECONDS. You didn't ask for the attention. It just happened... But being born to perform is being ready when the spotlight finds you. So you smile, make eye contact with your spectators, and give your foot a little shake. Your shoelaces start to snap back and forth, criss-crossing... If you could move your foot in just the right way you might actually be able to tie your shoelaces without even touching them... You give your foot another little shake and this time you get it just right. To the astonishment of your spectators, YOUR SHOELACES visually TIE THEMSELVES! The best part is, it's a REAL knot and bow! Your spectators can inspect till their hearts are content!

Youtube demo video :

From Penguinmagic : EURO 15.96, GB£10.77, US$19.95 with free shipping

easy, everyone should be able to get it right

What you get : detailed booklet, dvd, gimmick, and a little extra not worth mentioning.

Everyone knows what to expect as for the effect. The effect is great. However there are some things you need to know, which I found were a dissapointment. It'll be hard to mention these without giving the trick away, but let's give it a try :

- You need to be wearing long pants, it doesn't work with shorts
- You'll need to acquire something, I can't say what without giving the trick away, but it's VERY important and you can't perform without it. I found that very annoying that I had to go find "that".
- The gimmick makes a little sound when used. If you're performing in a quiet place, it *could* draw attention.

Maybe I'm the first person writing a bad review, but I'm not really convinced. With all the cons I listed above, I'd rate the trick 6/10.

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Postby seige » Jul 6th, '06, 10:05

Hmmm.... a very mixed review.

I will only say in defence of this effect that:

1. Most people WON'T have to buy or source ANYTHING else at all, as the kit is complete, to an extent.

2. The 'noise' you mention is probably indicative that you're doing it too quickly

3. The fact that you need to be wearing long trousers isn't an issue. That's almost a similar excuse to stating "Darn it, to perform the bill in lemon, I had to go through all of the trouble of buying a lemon!".

Sure, you may be disappointed, but your review is also quite subjective—as the problems you have are mainly relating to you personally.

Nice review, though, on the whole. And welcome to TalkMagic.

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Postby mattmagic » Jul 6th, '06, 10:07

Its nice to see a review of this as it has been very well publicised,
i enjoyed reading it even though it didnt have the happeist ending

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Postby BassFace » Jul 6th, '06, 10:13

seige wrote:Hmmm.... a very mixed review.

I will only say in defence of this effect that:

1. Most people WON'T have to buy or source ANYTHING else at all, as the kit is complete, to an extent.

2. The 'noise' you mention is probably indicative that you're doing it too quickly

3. The fact that you need to be wearing long trousers isn't an issue. That's almost a similar excuse to stating "Darn it, to perform the bill in lemon, I had to go through all of the trouble of buying a lemon!".

Sure, you may be disappointed, but your review is also quite subjective—as the problems you have are mainly relating to you personally.

Nice review, though, on the whole. And welcome to TalkMagic.

Thanks. I wanted to say that my review is indeed objective, it is MY point of view.

1. The kit is in fact complete, but I cannot explain what people need to do this trick without giving it away. I'm just saying that for people who need to acquire the thing I'm talking about, it *could* be hard to find, depending on what shoes you're wearing.

2. Well, it's not really a noise, only just a sound, and you only can hear it if it's really really quiet. I only heard it while practising, but spectators never heard a thing. Just saying never perform in a place where you could hear a needle drop.

3. You're right. But I was just stating this for completeness. Most men will be wearing long pants 95% of the times anyway. It's just that it's soo hot out here at the moment, I was wearing shorts, and was a little sad that I couldn't go out an perform in them :)

Besides, when you buy this lemon-bill trick, you *know* you're gonna have to go out to get a lemon. When you buy STS it's left untold that you need to be wearing long pants. Therefor I added this bit of what I thought was rather useful information.

Last edited by BassFace on Jul 6th, '06, 10:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby max_s » Jul 6th, '06, 10:21

mattmagic wrote:Its nice to see a review of this as it has been very well publicised,
i enjoyed reading it even though it didnt have the happeist ending

Yea, its nice, i apreciate this type of endings more, coz it shows how it really IS, and says what to expect what not...

Nice review, and helpfull... keep it UP :)

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Postby Renato » Jul 6th, '06, 11:53

BassFace wrote:Thanks. I wanted to say that my review is indeed objective, it is MY point of view.

Subjective actually :wink: :D.

Nice review though, thanks for that :D.

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Postby moonbeam » Jul 6th, '06, 12:15

BassFace wrote: Just saying never perform in a place where you could hear a needle drop.

If you know this "noise" is gonna happen, wouldn't some appropiate patter throughout the trick cover it up? Something along the lines of: "Oh yea my shoelace is undone, bit I really cba to bend down and tie them so let's see what happens if I give my foot a shake. Hmm still undone, let's try a little harder....... etc, etc."

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Postby BassFace » Jul 6th, '06, 13:34

Cardza wrote:
BassFace wrote:Thanks. I wanted to say that my review is indeed objective, it is MY point of view.

Subjective actually :wink: :D.

Nice review though, thanks for that :D.

do'h subjective ofcourse LOL :lol: thanks for pointing that out :wink:

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Postby BassFace » Jul 6th, '06, 13:37

moonbeam wrote:
BassFace wrote: Just saying never perform in a place where you could hear a needle drop.

If you know this "noise" is gonna happen, wouldn't some appropiate patter throughout the trick cover it up? Something along the lines of: "Oh yea my shoelace is undone, bit I really cba to bend down and tie them so let's see what happens if I give my foot a shake. Hmm still undone, let's try a little harder....... etc, etc."

If you would be wearing heavy jeans that are pretty loose, the sound of the jeans flopping around would pretty much cover it up I guess...

My wish that I never would have to tie my shoelaces again still exists though :lol:

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Postby Viraen » Jul 11th, '06, 11:44

yea lol i dont like this very much , 5/10

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Postby Tomo » Jul 11th, '06, 11:49

Can this be done wearing Converse Allstars or Doc Marten's rather than trainers like in the demo?

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Postby seige » Jul 11th, '06, 12:13

Tomo wrote:Can this be done wearing Converse Allstars or Doc Marten's rather than trainers like in the demo?

It is possible to use ANY shoes so long as they are laced.

I have performed this in Doc Marten's, trainers, brogues, all sorts...

It is just a *little* more effort.

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Postby Tomo » Jul 11th, '06, 12:31

Damn! CUPS time! :lol:

I'm putting off having a serious splurge until after I've paid my tax bill and put one or two ventures in place, but this is way up on the list. I'm thinking of putting together two acts; one is all mentalism and cards, the other is all gimmcks. Looks like this is going to be in the latter!

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Postby cesareo_saladeo » Jul 11th, '06, 17:31

I've seen this effect performed in public, it looks great. I have no idea how it was done but I heard no "sound" (we were in a half-empty coffee shop) and the guy was wearing high-top converse all-stars. Thanks for the review... I've been thinking about picking up this trick, good to know the pros and cons! :D

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Postby Viraen » Jul 12th, '06, 14:06

cesareo_saladeo ,

I have this trick and the method is pretty good tho there is a set up which has to be doen each time you want to do the trick, it is inspectable after teh trick also. PM me for more info!!

All the best,

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