Raven X2

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Postby warmerclimate » Mar 11th, '07, 00:35

Whereas with the original raven it was possible to make coin switches by using sh**ls, with the Raven X2 is it possible to easily swap coins without the use of the sh**ls?

Coin Change
The performer places a £1 coin on his palm-up hand, shows his other hand front and back, then moves his hand over the £1 coin and it changes to two 50p coins! You are clean at the end.

For the above effect - can completely normal and unaltered coins be used?


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Postby warmerclimate » Mar 11th, '07, 13:54

Additionally (sorry to post immediately after), with the 'changing object' effects - is it possible to do it the spectators hand? Or will they feel it?

I suspect they'd feel it - but it's okay to do it on a table or similar, right?

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Postby TheGentleman » Mar 27th, '07, 05:02

I personally don't own a raven, but an old friend of mine does, and he has a little velvet pouch the magnet slips into that kills the noise.

He never went into great detail over it, but how's magnet supposed to pick up a USD Quarter. They're not magnetic, you know. I'm guessing a fake coin and a switch?

(If I gave away too much, edit away, ye moderators!)

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Postby In kaleidoscopes » Mar 28th, '07, 14:34

sure, I myself rarely use shells. Ask to borrow a quarter and a simple french drop is all thats needed!

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Postby DaveWise » Apr 10th, '07, 04:16

I'm thinking of getting the raven-- but I'm curious as to whether people like the raven... or the "M5" thing they sell on ellusionist... (i know everyone hates ellusionist...) but has anyone had experience with both?

I know the gimmicks are slightly different... but they basically do the same sort of thing.


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Postby Brookish » Apr 10th, '07, 14:33

I know, I am really thinking about buying or the M5 system, but the whole package that comes with a raven OR the Monster Bertha.... I really don't know what is better. I have actually thought of buying both, seeing the differences and then selling the one that is less good. It's a pity no one could review them with all the pros and cons...

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Postby AnonymousZC » Apr 10th, '07, 18:22

Firstly, for people talking about the M5 and Big Bertha, please remember that these are quite different from the Raven. Though they are similar, and can really do the same as the Raven, they are normally used for the different side of PK magic. I have read about many people having both the M5 and the Raven, so that they can keep the Raven for the 'disapearing' tricks.

Secondly, I recently recieved my Ravenx2. I never had the original Raven, and went for the x2, not knowing what to expect. I find normal coins can make a noise, and with a few practises and knowing what background sound level you need it gets disguised easy. I did find the 'special' coin that came with it makes very little noise, so I'm going to buy more of them and do a few switches during performances.
The 'bent keys' routine I need to work on a bit more, since I find they stick quite hard and the switch is not as easy as it seems for me. Maybe I just need to get the knack. But shows how a switch is easily possible.
I find that having the 'x2' means you can make two vanishes without a reset, as long as you use each head, otherwise...ouch!
Just a little tip, when I first recieved it, I tied the gaff in a suitable place and got used to it before I even thought about placing it properly.

Finnaly, warmerclimate, to make a pound switch into two fifty pences is possible. Though you don't need to use the 'special' coins you mentioned, they will have to be adapted for this use. Though they will be just like other coins, you will need to do a switch if using a spectators coin, and then maybe a switch back depending on how the two fifty pences are adapted for this.
How it is done, you are unable to do this in a spectators hand without the 'special' coins you mentioned. Though as I mentioned above, these might be a bit better, and I feel worth investing in if you are going in that direction.

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Postby coash » Apr 14th, '07, 01:58

how do you switch between borrowed coin and shell coin

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Postby Lady of Mystery » Apr 16th, '07, 09:48

there are a few ways to do a switch, a palm and a french drop can be very useful when you want to switch.

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Postby Magical_Hack » Sep 3rd, '08, 20:18

Actually, I`ve had the black bird for a couple of months now and shells aren`t really my thing ( well let`s just say my wallet starts squealing whenever I think of getting some ) , but I`ve had lots of fun getting various objects from around the house as well as coins of every denomination ( I live in Canada, Montreal ) and lining them up on the floor to `measure the amount of magic` in each. For anyone whose interested, quarters are the best, but some of the older ones do not work, for some funny reason. I know, after a trip to france, that 2 euro coins do work, but can be challenge, so do 1 euro pieces, but with lots of difficulty.

I suggest putting the raven in a bowl of loose change, shaking it around and taking it out and see what happens ! Also very important, test with different dated coins, some work some don`t, my experience is that more recent coins work best.

Finally, don`t limit yourself to coins ! get a small magnet with scotch tape or a metallic pin ( better ) and vanish sugar packets in a restaurant, or anything you can attach it to ! (if there`s too much exposure sorry, still kinda new at this ! )

Last thing , I do not wear buttoned shirts or long sleeves that often, i`m mostly a tee-shirt and pants/shorts guy, and I have found a way to use a raven with only a tee-shirt. Without wanting to overly expose : by pulling it out by bottom and keeping your hands low. If anyone has suggestions on a better way of making it work in completely casual clothes, please share or PM me ! Thanks!

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