On Mephisto's Shoulder - Paul Brook Review

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On Mephisto's Shoulder - Paul Brook Review

Postby AlexanderNew » Jun 12th, '11, 18:16

First of all, let me just introduce myself. I'm Alexander, a psychology student and a hypnotist/mentalist. Just a bit of background info for you, so you get an idea of who is writing this review and what I thought of it.

Now to the actual point of this article, and the only reason you are reading this. Paul Brook - On Mephisto's Shoulder. This book is of good quality, it came within 3 days of ordering and it is not too expensive. That aside, I shall talk about, without revealing, what you are going to read and what I personally thought of it.

The introduction is a nice opener to the book a and also sets the reader up with an expectation of the sort of reactions the following effects will receive e.g. the stunned silence, disbelief or doubt.
Now onto the 'juicy' parts of the book! The trick description and the method behind creating the effect.

The first trick presented is 'Dearly Departed.' A trick involving an old photograph (doesn't necessarily have to be old, but that just adds to the presentation) of someone who has passed away, an envelope containing a prediction and of course - a spectator. The spectator is asked to look at the photograph for a week (or however long you set, this time space has NOTHING to do with the effect methodology, but more to do with the psychological impact it will have upon the participant). After the allocated time, you return to the spectator and ask them to take their watch off, close their eyes (with the picture in mind) and turn the stem as they feel fit. Once arriving at a time, they can open their eyes. You ask them to take out their prediction which THEY have kept the whole time, revealing a perfect time match.
This can get very emotional, due to the connection they get with the picture during the time spent, and CAN have a big impact. CAN in capital letters mainly because this is 90% presentation, 10% method. The atmosphere you create must match what you are demonstrating. It is a very simple method and cannot easily 'go wrong.' I give this a 8/10 rating.

Telepathic Touch.
This looks very convincing and is a very ingenious psychological card effect. One spectator picks 4 random cards, these are placed in envelopes numbered 1,2,3 and 4. Another spectator is asked to pick any of the numbers (evidently choosing an envelope in which the card is secured). You take the card out, revealing the __ of ____. This card matches the prediction card sealed in an envelope which had been given out BEFORE the effect began. Nice concept and nice methodology. I can't say too much otherwise it might be obvious, BUT what I can say is, it is a very basic principle which well known in the magic community, with an expanded presentation. 9/10

Now onto the Fair is Fair switch.
This is a very cleverly designed switch involving the use of an envelope. Looks VERY fair as it seems you cannot be doing any sleight of hand to switch the billet, as it is inside the envelope. Clever method! 9/10

Your word, Corinda!
This is just a presentation which employs the use of the Fair is Fair switch. Very cleverly written and thought of presentation and can produce complete astonishment. When the Fair is Fair switch is used in the process of the right trick, you WILL be able to produce amazing predictions/book test revelations/anything. The sky is your limit here. 9/10

Now onto
Serial, Killer.
This is probably the only reason you are here, and have presumably scrolled down the page to find the review about this very trick. And I want to give my total humble and honest opinion. It most certainly fits the description (no stooges, no switches, no glimpses, no technology, it really is their bank note) and the video IS exactly what it looks like. With all these concepts in place, it would be a real miracle. However, I was not too happy with the method. This isn't something you can just do, or an effect which can be done on anybody-anytime-anywhere. If the reason you are buying this book is for this effect alone EXPECTING to be able to just go up to anybody and reveal their bank note serial number, don't set your expectations too high, as that would be a REAL miracle, which is not what Paul is selling. Personally, it is quite impractical and I won't be performing this as much as I was hoping.
When you perform this, it is the closest thing to mind-reading you are going to display. It is an impossible and incredible revelation from the spectators point of view. They will be looking for mirrors. If you were to perform this, you will get great reactions for sure.
Before purchasing this book, I watched the video and came up with a few ways in which this could be done under those circumstances said earlier. I came up with one method but it just seemed way too impractical, especially as it was for sale, so I quickly discarded that thought. When I bought the book, it was exactly that method which was employed in the technique behind this, with extra subtleties mentioned to help make this effect more practical and less suspect.
If you have any questions about this, don't be afraid to post a comment and I will get back to you whenever I can.
I would give this a 6/10.

Now onto the stage effect of this called On Stage Killing.
Once again, it used the same concept and I was not overly pleased. It is more of an add-on to Serial Killing, so If I were to present this on stage sometime soon, I wouldn't use the add-on. It would get a great reaction nonetheless.
I give this a 6/10 also.

NOW, to conclude, it is well worth the price. The tricks mentioned are very clever and can produce brilliant results. Your showmanship and presentation will be key into making this work. The presentations shown are merely examples and you will be able to take the concept of any of these effects and make them completely your own. If you are buying this book JUST for the serial note prediction, I would suggest not to get too excited over the revelation. However, some of the tricks/concepts are worth over £25 alone. This is why I am giving the book an outstanding 9/10 in total!

Side note,
I can be very pedantic about spelling and grammar, and after seeing a few spelling mistakes or typos in this book, I quickly had to correct them!

Paul's personality is also clearly portrayed, so it basically feels like you're having a conversation with him, which makes it a very enjoyable read.

Again, If you have any questions, just PM me and I shall get back to you.

Hope all is well,

Last edited by AlexanderNew on Jun 12th, '11, 21:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Stephen Ward » Jun 12th, '11, 18:23

I agree it is a very good book and a great buy for anyone wanting great mentalism for stage. I use a number of Paul's routines in my close-up and stage mentalism shows. Your word, Corinda! and Telepathic touch are currently used along with a couple from 'Book of lies'. This has helped to give me two quality stage shows that packs a punch.

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Re: On Mephisto's Shoulder - Paul Brook Review

Postby DrTodd » Jun 12th, '11, 20:10

AlexanderNew wrote:Side note,
I can be very pedantic about spelling and grammar, and after seeing a few spelling mistakes or typos in this book, I quickly had to correct them!

Paul's personality is also clearly portrayed, so it basically feels like your having a conversation with him, which makes it a very enjoyable read.

Again, If you have any questions, just PM me and I shall get back to you.

Hope all is well,


Paul's personality is also clearly portrayed, so it basically feels like your [sic] having a conversation with him, which makes it a very enjoyable read.

Should be:

Paul's personality is also clearly portrayed, so it basically feels like you are having a conversation with him, which makes it a very enjoyable read.


Paul's personality is also clearly portrayed, so it basically feels like you're having a conversation with him, which makes it a very enjoyable read.

Great review....the book is good....

Dr T

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Postby Craig Browning » Jun 13th, '11, 14:00

I do believe you'll find reviews on Paul's material already posted, most of them by me I do believe. Paul is a brilliant thinker and is one of the few new faces to 21st century mentalism whose early work I strongly support, as do many others. He's a good guy and proper gent. :wink:

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Postby Mandrake » Jun 13th, '11, 18:49

See http://www.talkmagic.co.uk/ftopic20922.php for one previous Review.

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