From Hell

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From Hell

Postby Stephen Ward » Sep 4th, '06, 12:04

The Effect

During the course of a story about Jack The Ripper. You display a deck of 52 old and stained cards. Each card has a photograph of a Victorian Woman on it. The spectator has to put the cards in two piles deciding if they think the woman was a victim of Jack the Ripper or not. When they have done this the cards are turned over and they have done the job you asked. All the victim cards have blood smeared on the back and the non victim cards have not. The cards are perfectly seperated.


£19.99 from

(1=easy to do, 2=No sleights, but not so easy, 3=Some sleights used,
4=Advanced sleights used, 5=Suitable for experienced magicians only)

0 works itself, just present it confident


First a word about the effect itself, as you may have guessed (and it is mentioned on the website) this effect takes the 'out of this World' principle and makes it a bizarre and disturbing effect. Some adjustments have been made to the handling. The effect works itself, so you just need to present it.

The package you get is very nice. The cards are suitably damaged, stained and have blood on some. They come wrapped in a blood stained cloth with a black lace around it. The whole package looks very disturbing when you put it down on the table and begin to tell the story.

You also receive a very nicely printed 10 A4 page manuscript. This is stapled and is printed on good quality printer paper. The script is very good and the pictures are high quality. The beginner will follow the instructions with ease.

Of course the problem with this effect is that it may not be suitable for everyone. The story is rather hard hitting so you do need to choose the audience carefully. I also suggest performing this by candle light (i use the bleeding candles from Black Hart).


Well i could rave about how much i like this for ages :lol: but to save space just go to the website and read the several pages on it. Then go get one :D Hurry up!

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Postby Rdw1971 » Sep 4th, '06, 13:54

:cry: Cant get the interweb link thing to work

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Postby Tom Lauten » Sep 4th, '06, 18:12

This is a VERY powerful effect!

As has been said is gruesome and fairly grim in its concept and construction so please be judicious in your use of it or you might well have offended punters...or ones who need a stiff drink and the lights back on!

I have made up my own set using replica Victorian cards, ribbon, Victorian pennies and a couple of other "precious things"...I may well post some piccies soon!

If you like the gruesome and bizarre...GO FOR THIS ONE!

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Postby Stephen Ward » Sep 4th, '06, 18:15

i have been thinking about my own version for personal use. When i perfomed this i had it on a table with bleeding candles either side of the cards. Have fun with it, but choose the audience with care :twisted:

edit: i had the idea of getting a wooden card case and really damaging it to make it look it was in a fire (you know what is coming next don't you!) thoughts anyone?

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This sounds very cool

Postby mattc » Sep 4th, '06, 18:55

But i can't get the link to work either. Damn.

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Postby Stephen Ward » Sep 4th, '06, 19:03

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Postby the_mog » Sep 4th, '06, 19:08

rather than a wooden card case theres one on Blackharts site that looks the biz!

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Postby Stephen Ward » Sep 4th, '06, 19:09

You mean the dragon box, yes i saw that :D

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Postby Tom Lauten » Sep 4th, '06, 20:43

Wooden box huh? Tee guys are gonna like my set up!

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Postby Stephen Ward » Sep 4th, '06, 20:50

What i want Tom is to say these cards were found in a house that burnt down and the spirits are still in the cards.

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Postby Tom Lauten » Sep 4th, '06, 22:47

My cards were found in the safe of a retired prison governor from the late Victorian era.

The origin of the cards was never determined but they were believed to have been confiscated from a deeply disturbed and ranting prisonor. They were found stored in a small wooden box along with a length of dress ribbon, two worn copper pennies and a lock of Human hair. The cards were described as being in an "apalling condition"....

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Postby russellmagic » Sep 4th, '06, 23:10

hey, ive been looking at this for quite a while now. looks very cool! if i am right this sells for £19.99. was looking to use this for a halloween idea followed by weeja. roll on pay day. that particular site does have some excellent looking items on there but need to get another job to afford these lovely items :roll:

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Postby IAIN » Sep 5th, '06, 08:15

oooh i couldnt get on that site either...

i think i might trot down to covent garden market and get some original victorian photos and damage them myself...still want to buy this one though..

i an idea i've been playing around with recently which may or may not work that well (not tried it yet) but if you've got the slasher from blackheart it should work fine i reckon...and it sounds like it could tie in nicely with this effect...

set your IT up to the slasher and your wooden box, you could at the end ask if the spirits are with you move the can then see it spin round, and blood start to pour from the razor's edge over say, a nice clean white cotton cloth or something (no sankey plug intended)...

and another idea if either stephen or mr. lauten are interested in discussing - feel free to p.m. me...

Last edited by IAIN on Sep 5th, '06, 08:46, edited 1 time in total.

Postby Rdw1971 » Sep 5th, '06, 08:34

Web site seems to be working this morning

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Postby Stephen Ward » Sep 5th, '06, 10:50

Check out number of the beast guys! C.U.P.S. are calling again :lol:

Here is my plot so far (still needs work!). The cards are in a an old wooden box along with a black ribbon and a suicide note (paper needs to be aged still). One of the investigating officers of the Jack the ripper crime was collecting evidence. He had a collection of women he thought had been or were victims. One night the house burned down and in a safe was found an old box. The police read the suicide note but were not convinced. Had the policeman been murdered and what about these reports about spirits possesing the cards?

As i said this still needs a lot of work but is going well so far.

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