From Hell

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Postby Mandrake » Sep 12th, '06, 11:49

abraxus wrote:if you know OOTW, you know OOTW don't you, regardless of the dressing - its not as if you're putting out your own marketed version is it?
OOTW is certainly an old and much loved effect and it can be done whether these props are to hand or not. I'd have serious reservations about selling this set on after I'd made my own up from other cards as I'd be copying. However, if I kept this set I'd have no worries at all. Must be old age….. Actually, for the price of this set it's not a serious problem in keeping them but I just don’t feel I could use them as they are - not appropriate for the time of the effect.

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Postby IAIN » Sep 12th, '06, 12:02

in that case, couldnt you just glue them onto some older decks rather than not use it at all?

infact, alot of cards used to be printed with no backings at all (or just a plain outline) back then, so maybe just wack some blank and aged card on them instead it..infact that would look rather nice i think...

..or maybe old newspaper cuttings? or maybe some serial numbers on the back instead?

there's a karl fulves self working effect i've adapted,using real victorian photos and they all come with serial numbers on the back so you can order repeat prints...


Postby Mandrake » Sep 12th, '06, 12:38

I'm leaning towards hanging on to this set and making my own but using more appropriate card stock - that way I'd be able to sleep peacefully at night!

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Postby Mahoney » Sep 12th, '06, 17:42

I really like this look of this, but I am unsure of what you get. Is it just the same old OOTW handling, and you just pay for the cards? Or is there something new here?

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Postby Mandrake » Sep 12th, '06, 17:50

It's OOTW with a twist to the story line and a deck of well prepared cards. Check out the website for a better description but, as there will be a new version of From Hell later this month, you might be best advised to wait for that release rather than go for the first issue - which might be all sold out anyway! Lebanoncircle are away on holiday this week so no need to rush into anything.

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Postby Tom Lauten » Sep 12th, '06, 18:19

The cards I used are the top ones on this page... ... Packs.html

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Postby missed it » Sep 12th, '06, 18:22

i do this trick with black and red cards one of the first tricks i learned

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Postby Stephen Ward » Sep 12th, '06, 18:32

Welcome to TM, why not introduce yourself to us :D

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Postby Flash » Sep 15th, '06, 11:23

Thanks for calling off the hounds Mandrake, they were starting to get a bit close in their dogged pursuit! :wink:

I think mine are on blue backed bikes which means that the blood stains look a bit purpley. Also I found due to the aging process that was used the cards are a wee bit difficult to handle, especially to ribbon spread.

Still nice idea, so credit where it's due.

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Postby GeordieJester » Sep 15th, '06, 12:04

Not sure if this is off topic, but how clean is the ending ? After the blood stained backs are shown, I take it you can't then turn the cards picture-side up (or people would say "I didn't pick her" etc) ?

Not that you would need to really, but Im just wondering if there is a bit extra to the OOTW


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Postby Tom Lauten » Oct 7th, '06, 10:50

I am not one who jumps to "out there" beliefs but I thought I would post this.

I keep in touch with Dan ***** from Lebanon Circle and have had a rather unsettling letter from him today.

It seems he has been experiencing some ..."unusual" happenings since he has released the "From Hell Photo Edition". I won't go into any vast detail but along with various physical "events" and actions involving Dan personally he has been having an unusual time with photos.

It seems that nearly everytime he does a print run on the photos, despite counting and carefully packaging the photos (images he is more familiar with than anyone on Earth), one goes missing from the counted and confirmed sets... everytime. He tells me it isn't always the same photo and it is very peculiar.

Ok, there are a lot of photos and for a busy person it can be easy to become a tiny bit distracted and miscount etc. I'd be fine with this explaination if it weren't for my having the exact same problem months and months earlier!!

Everytime I tried to run off a set I would find one photo, and one photo only... missing.

To boot I would then find repeats of others! No matter how I organised the images this would happen again and again. I thought I was going stupid or mad.

There certainly is a very unusual vibe with this collection.

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Postby Markdini » Oct 8th, '06, 11:20

Ok I know a lot of you have worked hard on this effect sourcing materials and presentation wise. But this effect really isn’t for me. I like OOFTW it’s a good a effect don’t get me wrong the thinking behind the effect is very commendable and I admire all of you who part a lot a time in to it as I said before.

Why is this effect not for me? Two reasons really the first is the photographs of the dead women they just send a chill up my spine I know they are some of the most published photographs out there. How ever weather they are on TV or in a book they all ways give me the creeps there is something about photographs from that era in general and I can understand the thinking of the Native Americans when they said a photo can steal your soul, I understand the thinking behind it I don’t subscribe to it.

My second point is and I hope I don’t sound like I am taking a moral high ground I am just explaining why this effect isn’t for me. These are the photographs of real dead people and I feel that this falls in to similar not the same vain as Angel pulling razor blades out of his arm. This how shock magic thing that has emerged now I am not saying don’t do it. As performers we all have to make a choice of which effects we perform and so before performance is a personal choice and as I have said a couple of times in this post well done to all those of you out there who will have a good trick with a good story. Maybe to a Goth audience this effect will play well or on Halloween but there is just something in me that couldn’t use this deck what with the photographs, if it wasn’t for them I probably buy this effect my self am I right in thinking some one mentioning a non photographic version?

Anyway for all of you who do go out there and perform it good luck and I hope you get the reactions from the audience for the work you have put in.

I am master of misdirection, look over there.

We are not falling out young Welshy, we are debating, I think farlsy is an idiot he thinks I am one. We are just talking about who is the bigger idiot.

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Postby Tom Lauten » Oct 8th, '06, 14:04

One does need to be sensitive if you are going to perform this...NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.

I do take pains to recognise that the events were real and that the women were living Humans, not icons.

I do tend to play down the real photos of the victims stating that...

"We all know the basics of what had happened to these poor women and I do have photos here of them, they are rather difficult photos to look at and if you (the spectator) would prefer, we can place them down in way way that does not dwell upon the images but we do know what they are and that they do sit in front of us now."

... or words to that effect. I am quite genuine about this content and taylor the presentation to the person. Most do not choose to linger over the photos and, in fact, I suggest that we do not. I concentrate upon the reality of what had happened and the Human, emotional aftershocks of such traumatic events. This is the level I pitch the effect at.

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From Hell

Postby DrTodd » Oct 9th, '06, 10:35

Quite apart from the ethics of using victim pictures (you don't actually have to use them for the routine to work, you could make up another killer and setting for example), I found in performance that there are too many cards. Why do we need 52? Daren Brown did a similar version with far fewer cards. What are your thoughts?

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Postby Tom Lauten » Oct 9th, '06, 10:57

No reason why less cards wouldn't'ld have to balance that with the misdirection provided BY the number of cards used "normally" but I should think there could well be a perfectly usable mid-ground.

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